How do you know?
I am iffing and umming about taking the plunge and having an affair. I've met someone I really like, and now we want to take it to the next level. How can I be sure this is the right thing for me... I've never done anything like this before.
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Comments (236)
1353301 - 30 Sep, 2020 - 10:26AM
Its perfectly natural to have theses feelings , I would say go with your feelings , what harm is there if you dont want to continue, I'm sure your partner will understand, we all had theses thoughts , the only thing I would say is that once you venture into an affair it becomes emotional so be prepared for that
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Jake Jekyll - 30 Sep, 2020 - 09:48AM
Whats holding you back? If you've come this far then something is wrong. It could be morality, fear of being found out or financial and reputational consequences.
Its natural to um and ah to start with. Eventually though you start to realise that if its not happening at home now then it probably never will.
Then you remember that life is short ...
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1408530 - 30 Sep, 2020 - 09:07AM
Short answer: you will not know unless you try.
My elaborated view: There are many of us (☺️) that never done this before, but perhaps always deep down knew that we want to expand our activities 🤣. Each individual is different, some can click on a first meet, others after few months or never. I think we should all go in our own pace and build the trust between the parties first. That’s my take on this anyway.
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1408335 - 30 Sep, 2020 - 09:04AM
There are few certainties in life but to live without experiences is to starve your soul. Fear of making some mistake only leaves you with "what ifs?" It won't go away and you know that? May be a flop but at least you learn and grow? :-)
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1399985 - 30 Sep, 2020 - 09:02AM
I'm sure many will disagree with me, but personally I would say if you're not sure, then it isn't for you.
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