Is it just me, or do you get bored of someone sending you a long essay for
a first message? I never bother to read it, cos gurantee probably bore you
to death in real life.
Not here to read a novel, make it nice simple and direct.
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Comments (234)
Gillisme2 - 21 Jun, 2021 - 07:06AM
Why do you expect someone to have an affair with you when you don’t like chatting with them? Long responses indicate effort and hope to stimulate dialogue. If you can’t be bothered to chat, why should anyone be bothered to take an interest in you?
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Funseekingsean - 20 Jun, 2021 - 11:32PM
I can understand why you’d feel that however sometimes and I can only speak as a man, some of us try to engage so that we don’t get out into the bracket of online pic collectors or pervs so we are trying to put a few lines in the theory that should help to get a response however maybe not so I’m at a loss, short to the point or more beats me 😂
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Funseekingsean - 20 Jun, 2021 - 11:32PM
I can understand why you’d feel that however sometimes and I can only speak as a man, some of us try to engage so that we don’t get out into the bracket of online pic collectors or pervs so we are trying to put a few lines in the theory that should help to get a response however maybe not so I’m at a loss, short to the point or more beats me 😂
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1447655 - 20 Jun, 2021 - 10:00PM
Nope, I like it, it suggests my profile made them feel something! Similarly, I don't have much to do with generated profiles. I know that person isn't my type. I love language, it's a sexual trigger for me - I couldn't be with someone who can't play with it.
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Rhylian - 20 Jun, 2021 - 10:20AM
When someone says "hi how are you" I just delete it, if that's the amount of effort they put into the first message, I'm imagining the amount of effort put into the first meet will be pro rata to the message.
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Gallowglass666 - 06 Jun, 2021 - 11:53AM
Just be grateful you get a message!
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1449137 - 21 Apr, 2021 - 01:17AM
I actually think a simple initial message works fine but i lose interest quickly if follow up responses are low wit one liners.. its a sign you are overstretched.
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MatureWorcsBBW - 15 Apr, 2021 - 07:31AM
I'd prefer that to "hi babe".
Does anyone honestly call a woman babe any more?
How prehistoric is that!
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1275008 - 12 Apr, 2021 - 06:27PM
SUrely that depends on how long? One liners really don't do it either
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