Is it just me, or do you get bored of someone sending you a long essay for
a first message? I never bother to read it, cos gurantee probably bore you
to death in real life.
Not here to read a novel, make it nice simple and direct.
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Comments (234)
hazle-eyes - 02 Jul, 2021 - 01:09PM
I think it’s important to give someone enough information to start a conversation. But I find I often get very little back when I write or silence. I must be doing something wrong I reckon…..
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1427056 - 30 Jun, 2021 - 05:22PM
I ignore the system generated profiles and the 'virtual' kisses/gifts.... They are a pretty sure sign that you are being drawn into thinking you are the best thing since sliced bread....
Get real, none of us are.... We are human, with myriad faults and flaws...
So a proper message with 2 or 3 sentences indicates there MIGHT (just might 😂) be someone genuine and real behind it....
That goes for an approach from a man just as much as a response from a woman.... What is doesn't do is guarantee a meeting or an attraction if a meeting takes place.... Wise up people, this Is a brutal and fickle environment.... Believe nothing, expect nothing and perhaps you will find something when you are not anticipating it....
I should be relationship counsellor.... 😂🤔
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1453959 - 25 Jun, 2021 - 02:59PM
It's horse for courses. Some people love the detail (whether writing or reading), others either have no time or no patience or like to get straight to the point. I don't think either way is right or wrong.
What is tedious, though, is how many people simply don't respond to messages. It's pretty poor etiquette. I know it can be a challenge, but I make an effort to respond to every message I receive, even if I'm not interested. I'm conscious that the women here do get bombarded, butnits unrealistic to expect all the guys to put individual effort into every message when sometimes there isn't so much as an acknowledgement of receipt.
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1432972 - 22 Jun, 2021 - 07:00PM
I hate one liners...followed by more one liners......followed by.... How can you get to know someone through a series of single sentences or continuous pithy dialogue? Drives me bonkers!
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Worldisyours - 22 Jun, 2021 - 03:44PM
yes , plus they seem to speak as though they we are living in the 18th century...methinks ...
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1444888 - 22 Jun, 2021 - 09:02AM
And the VERY LONG profiles
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TaintedPrincess - 22 Jun, 2021 - 08:09AM
It's things like the virtual kiss or copy/pasted messages that I hate. At least read my profile and see what I'm looking for! I don't mind long messages though, someone who's taken the time to tell me about them and why they think we're compatible etc x
1452342 - 21 Jun, 2021 - 02:26PM
I tend to go with the individual profile, if short and to the point then then assume that is the type of response required, if longer then give a longer response, but also try to prove I have read the profile in the first place, seems to work :-)
I have noticed that the longer the reply from the lady the more interested they appear to be, and the conversation/connection develops quicker
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