Get me out!!
Yes, I have met someone via the site and I want to meet them. We have had quick 30 minute coffees in the park but now I want to spend some real time with her. Does an office meeting seem a plausible excuse if I'm working from home since March?
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Comments (86)
Delicious Chaos - 23 Oct, 2024 - 02:29PM
Unwoke of course it works both ways but generally and if you want to take out a survey, I can guarantee it’s a high percentage of men who really have no clue and with respect if you don’t really know how or when you are going to find the time to embark on an affair you shouldn’t really be here.
Of course you know!
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Unwoke! - 23 Oct, 2024 - 11:51AM
Delicious Chaos
From the other side of the fence I've come across a fair few women who haven't given it a great deal of thought too!
But to be fair, until and unless you've tried it, you can't really know for sure what sort of investment is necessary for a satisfying affair.
Unwoke! - 23 Oct, 2024 - 10:42AM
The trick I've always found is to not do anything that can't be broadly described as 'normal'.
If you don't normally go into the office it'll appear suspicious.
Maybe start going into the office (genuinely) on random days each week then, once this has settled into a regime that is 'normal', you'll be able to flex it to accommodate your lover.
A word to add to your everyday lexicon - 'compartmentalise'!
Delicious Chaos - 22 Oct, 2024 - 11:32AM
From Ross I applaud your last post. I’ve come across a lot of men who really don’t have a clue about how they are going to get this to work and for me I don’t even entertain them.
It’s great to hear a man talking a lot of sense :-)
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1715305 - 21 Oct, 2024 - 09:31AM
The same comments come up time after time after time.
1704344 - 21 Oct, 2024 - 09:13AM
Nothing to stop you from buying a Ringo and cinema ticket and not going….
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boav91 - 21 Oct, 2024 - 08:45AM
As a few people have said here, the best way is fit into what is considered normal life. So if you want to use office meetings as an excuse then it has to be something you would do anyway. If not make it the norm legitimately before you change it to other reasons. I go on trips, conferences with work and go for days in London so I sometimes just say that is what I am doing, jut not what the meeting involves.. These meetings are way more fun than the normal ones. I often tell my wife where I will be in case she looks it up. The closer to the truth you make it the less likely you are to be tripped up by curve balls, e.g. the parking ticket i got recently.
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1704344 - 21 Oct, 2024 - 08:19AM
Most of the comments here are really not addressing the obvious point here.
Even before joining the site and writing your profile, you really need to think about how your life will work with an affair and what reasonable availability (in both time and emotions).
You can’t just meet some for coffee and then wonder how you’re going to proceed. Discussions about general freedom (nights/days/weekday/weekend) should really happen before that first meeting (just in really loose terms).
If your life isn’t ready for an affair, you really shouldn’t be here.
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ExoticOrchid - 20 Oct, 2024 - 11:04PM
Definitely do not underestimate your partner ... I always knew when my (now ex) husband was up to no good. Just because they don't say anything , don't think they don't know.
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