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Get me out!!

Yes, I have met someone via the site and I want to meet them. We have had quick 30 minute coffees in the park but now I want to spend some real time with her. Does an office meeting seem a plausible excuse if I'm working from home since March?

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Comments (86)

Princess0121 - 07 Feb, 2021 - 11:50AM

You are lucky to have met someone willing to break the lockdown rules. As long as you both stay safe than good luck to you two. However, since you state that you have been working from home for almost a year then it would be very suspicious if you suddenly made an excuse to go into work. This lockdown is far worse than the 1st one and it doesn’t take a genius to sass you out. Be patient and am sure you guys will have a chance to have a proper date in no time.

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Maria Jones - 07 Feb, 2021 - 09:10AM

yes and your partner will be relieved to get some time to themselves and probably encourage you to work in the office more often

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Mikeoverhere - 08 Dec, 2020 - 10:48AM


Samsutton - 19 Nov, 2020 - 11:00PM

Yes it does- as lots of firms are going back into the office for wellbeing

ClassyLady77 - 19 Nov, 2020 - 10:03PM

When rules say you can go into work then it’s plausible. . I went into office when booked a day off in July.. 🤫 have been into office since soo was plausible..

ATM I’ll love to go on a proper date, rather than just meet for coffee.... also I’m not 12 and won’t meet anyone in a cold park 😂

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1317379 - 19 Nov, 2020 - 08:32PM

I think my man has met someone at the weekend and now we've both tested positive for Covid19! You put yourselves and everyone else at risk...

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1386735 - 19 Nov, 2020 - 07:31PM

I’ve been away from the forums and now back. Interesting topic
I think if you haven’t had an office meeting since March, and meetings can be held by zoom, I think that’s the lamest excuse ever.

Real time? Do you mean shag time?
if you don’t mean shag time, then go for a walk, go and do some exercise. Use that as your excuse if you can

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Polycarbonate - 19 Nov, 2020 - 05:57PM

Was there owt to gained from a discourse with bomber?

Back the OP. What reason provisioned the coffee meets? It seemed good enough for that.

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Connorsullivan - 19 Nov, 2020 - 10:59AM

We've gotta get out of this place. Song just popped into my head

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Dazza98 - 18 Nov, 2020 - 02:04PM

Just say you have a meeting at work with the boss

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