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What have you ...

... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔


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Comments (171)

SunInFlight - 27 Jan, 2021 - 10:47AM

I agree with anonymouse-1, I know what I want now...the genie is out of the bottle ;)

Learning that you're situation isn't unique..social media has given the impression of everyone living happy families..IE allows a alternative view. Gives hope of fun in the future 😉😉

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Princess0121 - 27 Jan, 2021 - 10:38AM

Most of the comments on here are very true. I’ve learnt that some people here are not interested in a relationship and just want a one night stand. They are serial daters and always on the hunt for their next fix. Also, the concept of fine wine and dining is overrated.
Saying that I’ve met some genuine honest guys who have exceeded my expectations. Unfortunately, that’s a minority on this site. Please don’t promise what you can’t deliver and since we’re here then, just be yourself. The truth always comes out eventually.
And let’s all try and make the most of it. Life is too short and precious.

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1320953 - 27 Jan, 2021 - 09:21AM

Well that's a good question, what I've learned about myself is that I'm not settling, I now know what I want and I'm sticking to it. Lockdown has made me learn o be fat more patience
As for other people, well I've learned to read between the lines better, I've learned to not take their comments and messages too seriously most of the time. That men send VKs to everyone and won't necessarily answer your messages to them
I've learned that not to judge or be too hasty with a no thank you.
I've learnt to be more careful with personal information. There's a fine line between being open and being overly trusting
More than anything I've learnt to have more fun.

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1426763 - 13 Jan, 2021 - 01:20PM

To expect the unexpected, attraction, fun and rather more bizarre attributes will all be appreciated somewhere. Remain open and chatty as much as possible, none of us are going anywhere in the next few weeks!

1421519 - 12 Jan, 2021 - 08:02PM

I personally have learnt that many people are very good actors on here. I have learnt not to be so vulnerable.Many people on here are very well educated and play manipulative games. My past experience of being in a 3 year affair with someone I met on here.

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Beardandsandals - 10 Jan, 2021 - 08:54PM

With each visit, I learn less.....

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1423785 - 09 Jan, 2021 - 04:01PM

I’ve learned men work out what your personality is and say the things you wanna here:-
Oh you want fwb? Me too
Oh you want exclusive? Me too
Oh you want just 1 partner? Me too... whilst he’s chatting and sleeping with many others 😡😡

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ScepticalHusband - 07 Jan, 2021 - 11:41PM

I'm reading a lot of comments from ladies saying that many men are one-night chancers and a lot of comments from men about what an amazing lover they are. I've learned that "being a pretty average chap" seems to make me something of a rarity, but I'm happy being me

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AAGilfan - 06 Jan, 2021 - 05:26PM

What I have learned is that if I had limited myself to looking for a "type" I would have missed meeting up with some lovely ladies. Good communication is an essential key and it is good to have no preconceptions as people can be surprising. Also every lady is different but, without fail, each lady I have met has been interesting and each meeting has been time worth spending, even if it did not go anywhere in the end. It just needs that effort to listen, communicate and take the time to make a connection. If you treat someone with respect then they are more likely to open up to you. Indeed I have ended up becoming good friends with ladies I have met on here even though, for various reasons, it did not actually move on to a physical relationship

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AAGilfan - 06 Jan, 2021 - 05:19PM


Its good to hear that you have learned that you DO have the imagination to write erotic fiction.... but surely your aim on IE is to give you the chance to do the proper research so that it is fiction based on fact..... ;-)

Still, I do agree with your fourth point!!! It is all a bit of an empty exercise if it is all about oneself and not about mutual pleasure

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