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What have you ...

... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔


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Comments (171)

1393321 - 04 Jan, 2021 - 12:45PM

I have learnt that:

* I DO have the imagination to write the next best seller in erotic fiction!! ;-)

* Even though my body isn't perfect I am still sexy

*I do enjoy the genuine connection with the men I've met that are outside of my 'usual' type

* The recipe for good sex is pretty simple; the ingredients are a genuine desire to mutually give pleasure, a shared sense of humour and emotional openness.

Being on IE has been a great journey. I think I'm close to finding my regular lover.

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1178883 - 04 Jan, 2021 - 12:26PM

Being male is a matter of birth and becoming a man is simply a matter of age. Being a Gentleman, however, is a matter of choice.

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Gmaturehot - 04 Jan, 2021 - 12:22PM

Although I am extremely hot and sexual this lockdown forced me to be away from London and reside in Athens for the time being...Still i would love to share sexuall fantasies with hot and sexy women like myself...

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Bereweeke - 04 Jan, 2021 - 11:56AM

More to the point.....what have you "learned"? No point in asking others to share if you are not prepared to share.

1100888 - 04 Jan, 2021 - 11:38AM

It's easy to dig a hole unintentionally because text is read in a way the reader wants to interpret the meaning. Alas people are often not prepared to look past the odd fopar and immediately go on to the next profile.

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1413217 - 04 Jan, 2021 - 09:57AM

I've learned that it's tricky to portray my character and personality through a profile. Sitting on the fence with something anodyne that doesn't stand out isn't an option. That makes it difficult to either be so brief as to be useless, as a profile or so wordy that the reader if they don't fall asleep are reaching for a Gin and Tonic to get them through the day.

I've also learned there's a lot of photo hunters out there. There's quite a few who really aren't who they say they are, have no intention to play let one meet and struggle with being a decent person.

That said there's lots of genuine people and opportunities, despite Covid19s spectre. I just haven't found the one yet or learned how to find the one!

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1422646 - 04 Jan, 2021 - 09:32AM

I can't say it is every man, but a significant majority thinks they don't need to be a gentleman when having an affair (or what is worse when trying to have an affair).
I can bet you all the guys who say that they never met anyone is because they didn't make an effort to stand out.
Think like a "business"- there are more men than women- so you need to evolve.

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Wild & Free - 04 Jan, 2021 - 09:32AM

I've learnt that a lot was previously missing from my life, affection, intimacy, connection.

It's been nice to explore these things again, and has made me a happier more easy going person all round. It has also taught me that I am really good at keeping a secret lol

Hertsguy36 - 04 Jan, 2021 - 09:17AM

Not a lo,t only joined yesterday, willing and keen to learn though

WhosaysIcanthavefun - 04 Jan, 2021 - 09:13AM

I have learned to enjoy life more :) Also a few new things I have never tried before :P

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