Just wondering what kind of photos I should be uploading? I assumed nice smile etc - maybe some more posed and others more natural...
But recently someone sent me access to photos that were quite explicit - am I supposed to be matching this?! I thought these type of pics were frowned upon...
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Comments (163)
1436596 - 12 Feb, 2021 - 11:39AM
As a women I like to see various pics with different expressions and poses. Not a full catalogue of stuff as quality over quantity is best. Usually a funny, smiley and full length pose. I find men are terrible at choosing pics and don't do well to sell themselves. Not a selfie person myself but hey we've got to flog ourselves some how. Think there is a time and place to share naked photos and this site is not one of them. Can be quite off putting and insulting that men think that women will find this the decider as to whether or not they want to proceed. Jeeze there is more to an affair than the length of your tickle tackle! Ladies should also be aware that there are quite alot of men who have no intention of meeting you but try their luck in getting naughty pics, keep yourself wrapped up girls untill you've established a relationship. Happy snapping.
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kungfu man - 12 Feb, 2021 - 10:26AM
i have a suited and booted photo but just my top half naked pictures are for when you get to know them better ?
1434440 - 12 Feb, 2021 - 10:01AM
It is difficult to know what photos to share. If I was viewing profiles the main thing I’d want to see were honest photos and photos that reflect something of your personality. The thing that worries me a bit is you don’t know who you are sharing your photos with. I feel I need to be a bit guarded with photos considering there have been data leaks from sites like these before. I certainly would be wary sharing any of me with mates.
Regarding explicit photos I would find it a turn on to see a naked/semi naked photos of someone I was meeting but on here it does feel a bit too upfront. I think that is better to share one on one if you’re comfortable doing that. If I was looking at someone’s profile I wouldn’t judge either way if you did or didn’t. I think do what feels right for you.
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Plum Blonde - 06 Feb, 2021 - 02:57AM
If you post an explicit picture then it gives me the idea then hook ups are their preferred agenda .Much better is a clear recent face pic .
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Gormlessoaf - 04 Feb, 2021 - 07:19AM
There are three photos that work. The clear face photo, an outline to show body shape and a group photo showing your interaction with folk.
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Skatie70 - 02 Feb, 2021 - 11:13PM
I think your photos should reflect the person you are and what you are looking for - if it’s explicit, then put that up or if it’s just a something where you want to have fun and feel good, put up some photos that reflect that - happy and care free.
Also, no filters...people need to see the real you, not get a bad shock if you meet up!
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1360278 - 02 Feb, 2021 - 04:26PM
Naked pictures are a total turn off . So what if you have 15 inches!!I t's Pervy in my opinion.Sorry!
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1430168 - 02 Feb, 2021 - 04:11PM
Explicit photos are for when it’s all established that it’s going somewhere beyond ie!
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Teresa di Vicenzo - 02 Feb, 2021 - 02:56PM
‘ladies please no soft focus pamper day makeover photos with outrageous make up’
I had no idea those things were still a thing. .. Dashing over to Groupon PDQ ..
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