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Just wondering what kind of photos I should be uploading? I assumed nice smile etc - maybe some more posed and others more natural...

But recently someone sent me access to photos that were quite explicit - am I supposed to be matching this?! I thought these type of pics were frowned upon...

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Comments (163)

Suzanna Foxwell - 02 Feb, 2021 - 11:33AM

men: how about a photo of you with your mates getting totally drunk and looking like you will be falling into the gutter any minute? I used to hate these photos (seen more than any woman should) but now they remind me a bygone era of social interaction and fun uninhibited nights out with friends...and i miss that so much!!!

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Rob41669 - 29 Jan, 2021 - 12:28PM

I really would like to see an image of the membership rather than an image selected from a library. AlSo more than just one image, so perhaps the others could illustrate the individuals likes - and I’m not being smutty or grubby here!
Let me explain. If Any of us were in an art gallery some would be drawn to some picture/sculptures and others to others. Everyone is unique and decide what they like, perhaps classical, perhaps modern. The frame around a painting can enhance a painting, or be to the detriment of it.
If We were in a room full of people we’d be be visually attracted to some and others not so much. We’d pluck-up the courage to speak with them and then make a determination whether things are good, or not, to continue our conversation.
Without an image of individuals in the virtual room that is this website some might say that it is similar to going into a pitch-black room, full of expectations but nervous of the unknown, the unseen.

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KawaiiMe - 28 Jan, 2021 - 07:49PM

Upload what you feel comfortable and natural with.. Obviously no face pics or recognisable features on your main profile image, as you can easily be recognised with.. Never match if you are uncomfortable..

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lets meet 3 - 27 Jan, 2021 - 10:20PM

You don’t have to match these at all if you feel uncomfortable...

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Princess0121 - 27 Jan, 2021 - 10:11AM

You have to be careful when it comes to photos. Everyone is trying so hard to impress and mistakes are easily done. How about trying not to show your naked body be it a torso or just a bra on. Once the intros are done with then you are allowed to be a bit explicit since you are prepared to make a commitment.

The most important thing is to try and look like your photo. I once walked past a guy who looked nothing like his photos as they were probably way over 10 years old. I never saw him again and had to make an excuse to leave early.

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1421217 - 25 Jan, 2021 - 07:52PM

@holdyouclose. What if your parents work for Anne summers , just throwing it out there .

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Chezley - 25 Jan, 2021 - 05:05PM

Use thereof the TV remote and/or lynx spray?

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Holdyouclose - 25 Jan, 2021 - 11:20AM

The golden rule is never send anyone random a picture that you wouldn't be happy with as a billboard next to your place of work or parents house, once it's out there you don't know who will see it! (Unless you work for Anne summers or your parents are visually impaired)

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1424835 - 25 Jan, 2021 - 10:47AM

@baretta - no problem. I’m really good at this sort of advice. I think my pointers for opening gambits are equally strong.

1421217 - 25 Jan, 2021 - 10:17AM

@spiritoftravel, that’s where I’m going wrong , I should be made up like a drag queen . Thanks for the pointers

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