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A polite no?

So as I’m here looking for an IE lots of people spring up that I’m not physically attracted too, how do you let that person down without sounding horrible and blunt?
I’m a nice person and I find telling people you’re not my type really offensive so I end up ghosting them which is also bad but how else can I say it?

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Comments (221)

Up_Periscope - 19 Feb, 2021 - 12:43PM

Accepting and doling out rejection are skills we all need to learn on a site like this (and in life, generally). A reply is in order if the connection was solicited or entered into. I would simply say something along the lines of "Although I have enjoyed our interaction, I must be honest and say that I don't feel that necessary spark of attraction. But that is subjective, and I'm sure your persistence will pay off. I wish you the best of luck." If you're feeling kind, you can personalise it with an addition: "I laughed at the story about your cat" or "good luck to both you and your mum", etc. And if you genuinely enjoyed the connection, why not suggest that perhaps you have each made a new friend unexpectedly whilst searching for lovers? It takes an adult, either way. (I have had wonderful relationships with insanely attractive women I've met online, but inevitably, the majority I approached were looking for something/someone else. It can sting, but I hitched up my big-boy pants and got lucky elsewhere.)

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ExoticOrchid - 19 Feb, 2021 - 11:27AM

Princess0121 - 10:58AM
"Most guys are very grateful for getting a reply"

Agree ... I usually get a thank you back ... a few don't bother to reply at all but I've never had any abusive replies.

ExoticOrchid - 19 Feb, 2021 - 11:18AM

A couple of weeks ago, a 72 year old gentleman (I use the term loosely) sent me a message saying he reckons his age disqualifies him but he wanted to make contact anyway.

As per my usual good manners, I replied to say I agree but thank you anyway and pressed "Send" ... guess what ... he had already blocked me!

What's that all about? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Princess0121 - 19 Feb, 2021 - 10:58AM

I think most people here are very polite and well mannered. You will always have a few odd characters who don’t take rejection very well and in that case then block them.

I always reply to messages and will say a polite answer as to why I don’t think we are a match. Most guys are very grateful for getting a reply. Blocking and ghosting for no reason is not nice. There’s a better way to communicate. Just be honest with yourself and the other party.

People will always have so many expectations of what makes them tick as we are all different. At the end of the day if you can’t imagine lying next to that person on the bed naked then it’s not going to work. You have to enjoy the conversation and be happy to be with them.

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BenPerry - 18 Feb, 2021 - 03:55PM

Most women on here just tell me that we are looking for different things, I do the same. Most people are really ok about it.

Borderline847 - 18 Feb, 2021 - 01:17AM

I say there location wouldn’t work for me

Lifeisgood - 17 Feb, 2021 - 09:30PM

I know exactly what you mean and I never thought I would be that rude and ignore/ghost too but I have. Yet when a guy on the rare occasion actually tells me "thank you but not my type" I am never offended but actually pleased they took that step and effort to tell me. So all I can say in my opinion is that it is harder to say but easier to take.

Classycougar - 17 Feb, 2021 - 08:39PM

A line i have sometimes used as a gentle trefusal is

Sorry honey you bear an uncanny resemblance ito my husband..... and i dont fancy him!!!

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Polycarbonate - 17 Feb, 2021 - 08:26PM

Much of this disappointment is the cause of treating an ie like a real romance eg one day my prince will come. You can spend the rest of your life doing that.

In the meantime do other folk the courtesy of getting to a coffee meet asap. It says and does more for both of you. It's only one morning out of your life.

Also you really do need to be in a situation and location where a timely response is practicable.

I've been a member a few times and sad to say some ladies are still working the same old replay, year upon year.

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Chris 14093 - 17 Feb, 2021 - 06:30PM

Assuming their message was from someone who had written a half decent profile I usually let them down by saying “Well written profile, unfortunately you are not for me. Good luck in finding your ideal IE”.

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