A polite no?
So as I’m here looking for an IE lots of people spring up that I’m not physically attracted too, how do you let that person down without sounding horrible and blunt?
I’m a nice person and I find telling people you’re not my type really offensive so I end up ghosting them which is also bad but how else can I say it?
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Comments (221)
1340024 - 17 Feb, 2021 - 06:17PM
Ghosting and general bad manners is caused by the fact that there are many more men than women on. it's infuriating to be ghosted just can't understand why ladies can be a little more honest.
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310526 - 17 Feb, 2021 - 06:15PM
Just be honest. You don't think that they are the right fit for you and wish them the best of luck with their ongoing search.
It's all about horse for courses and we are all looking for slightly different things, albeit with a central theme.
Hertsguy36 - 17 Feb, 2021 - 05:14PM
Just be polite, yet firm, and don’t be bullied. If they keep coming back (which is totally wrong and their issue) just block them, they have left you no other choice
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1432754 - 17 Feb, 2021 - 04:59PM
I find it hard to say no thank you because some times men keep on coming back so in my opinion some times ignoring them is the only thing that works - I'm not Grouping all men together just a select few.
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1433753 - 17 Feb, 2021 - 02:12PM
Always says how it is ..politely ..no point stringing people along and ghosting is a just cowardly.
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Premiumbond - 17 Feb, 2021 - 01:09PM
Ghosting is all to common and in my opinion bad mannered and immature!!!!! Several times I’ve chatted to someone and got to the stage of trying to arrange a meet as we seem to be getting along fine. Only to be ghosted without explanation which infuriates me. A simple thanks but no thanks is the honourable thing to do.
Women who do this obviously never had any intention of ever meeting.....
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1429015 - 17 Feb, 2021 - 12:30PM
Ghosting and general bad manners is caused by the fact that there’s many more men than women on here and it’s like a sweet shop for ladies
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Your Secret man - 17 Feb, 2021 - 12:18PM
I am in complete agreement with you and like you have not taken the Trawler Fishing approach but always try to make my initial greeting considered.
Hertsguy36 - 17 Feb, 2021 - 11:44AM
Please please don’t stay silent,.
I always send an opening message with a polite friendly well considered message, and that’s only after reading and taking on board what a lady has written in her profile. I won’t send a message on a hope and a whim, or a scatter gun approach as I know some do.
So by the time I’ve sent you a message, I’ve considered all of the above, and then taken the time to write something personal to you.
So to just get nothing back is draining, so very demoralising, I would rather take a ‘no thanks’ or even a ‘’pi@£ off’ than just a wall of silence.
Please please reply, I won’t be hurt or angry, I know I can’t possibly be everyone’s cup of tea, I’ll thank you for your reply and move on.
If anyone gets aggressive, report them, admin are very good at blocking the rude arrogant people, don’t let a few idiots spoil it for the rest of us sane ones!
Please always reply if you can.
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