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Are married people or single people happier? Personally, I think married people are happier. Yes, I know I'm married and on IE - but I STILL think I'm happier then an unattached person might be. Aren't we here to live a little but keep things sweet at home...thoughts?

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Comments (139)

Teresa di Vicenzo - 05 Apr, 2021 - 07:41PM

Daft question - as I’ve stated before 🙄.

I’m long-time married and I’ve been here (just for the forum now as I have an IE) for a couple of years. Am I happily married ..? Sort of. Intimacy has always been iffy in my marriage, we’re not well suited. However, we get on platonically ok (apart from when he’s an arsehole), and I’ve never felt the gripes I have about him and our marriage are adequate reasons for breaking us up, so I muddle along and have affairs. I’ve learnt to compartmentalise my ‘other life’ in a similar way to men so I no longer feel guilt, but I still have that strong need to keep my phone and my IE life private. I’d say I’m about 80% happy. Would I be happier if I was single? Maybe, but unless I’m forced, I’ve no intention of finding out for sure. I don’t think anyone is completely happy, we have to make the best of what we have in the way we can.
New Topic tomorrow please 🙂

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Myladyeva - 05 Apr, 2021 - 06:12PM

The Answer to your question is no married people are not happier than single people because if you was happy you would not be on here. Marriage is a package unless you have a open marriage. Single people don't have to live a lie. So the answer to your question is single because they don't have to answer to anyone.

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1444035 - 01 Apr, 2021 - 06:18PM

25 years of marriage only time my marriage has been happy Is while I'm having an affair as it the only time I feel like myself other times my sexless marriage makes me question whats wrong with me.......

Sigmaguy - 01 Apr, 2021 - 06:06PM

I was married for 20-years... Reason for leaving - Neither of us loved each other, we were just living together for convenience. That’s no life IMHO, rather be alone.

Been single a year.... probably the toughest decision I ever made... starting all over again at 52... Sure it’s been tough, met some crazy people (& women) but all in all, it’s been a blast! I can finally go back to enjoying the journey...

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Tikassy - 30 Mar, 2021 - 06:31PM

I wouldn't say married people are happier, or why would they be on here?! Maybe if one feels they are happily married but still need to be on here then their marriage needs looking at in my opinion!

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Adraug51 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 05:40PM

I have been happily single for 10 years after 12 years of unhappy marriage. So for me I'm happier single. U have always tried to treat everyone with respect and make the best decisions for me and those I love, and does the least harm to others x

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1117169 - 29 Mar, 2021 - 06:09PM

@ Summerbelle

That was very eloquently put.

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Prof. - 29 Mar, 2021 - 04:25PM

If its happily married then married people, and i mean that covering those of us that are happy and still look for that little extra IE.

Its got to be tough being single without looking for some form of company at some point or at least wanting it.

Summerbelle - 29 Mar, 2021 - 03:22PM

I'd say that might depend on whether your happiness comes from having a regular and fulfilling sex life. If it does, then both married as well as single people are equally unhappy since this is essentially a dating site for extra-marital (ie. sexual) affairs.

If it's more about achieving inner calm and contentment, arguably being single could provide more than being in an unsatisfactory marriage. I've been both and have been happily and unhappily married as well as happily and unhappily single. One's marital status does in itself not create happiness when you're miserable in your wider surroundings.

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ExoticOrchid - 28 Mar, 2021 - 09:03PM


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