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Are married people or single people happier? Personally, I think married people are happier. Yes, I know I'm married and on IE - but I STILL think I'm happier then an unattached person might be. Aren't we here to live a little but keep things sweet at home...thoughts?

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Comments (139)

ExoticOrchid - 28 Mar, 2021 - 08:59PM

Zyphod - 06:44PM

I think that's the difference between men and women in general ... men don't like coming home to an empty house ... I think that's why there are so many men here who got divorced and then jump straight into another relationship or even re-marry quickly (then find themselves on IE 🙄) ... whereas women enjoy having an empty house once they get over the divorce ... I definitely do and can't wait to live compketeky alone when my (grown up) children finally leave ... it's absolute bliss walking through the front door and the house is clean and tidy just the way I left it, especially the kitchen!!! 😊

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1100888 - 27 Mar, 2021 - 06:44PM

I think it very much depends.
Did you make the right choice or not. The most miserable people I know are married, but are stuck because of kids/financial situations and sometime stubbornly sticking to religious beliefs. But they made wrong choice.
But even if you made the right choice, people's eyes wander, if you have your favourite meal every day it becomes boring.
But we all need companionship, when I was single I sometimes dreaded coming home to an empty home, whilst my friends were out doing coupley things.

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1117169 - 27 Mar, 2021 - 06:09PM


Do you, or anyone else, think that single women are single for the same reason, or for different reasons, and are all the good ones married too?

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Rustiqe plaisir - 27 Mar, 2021 - 05:29PM

Classy Lady- I couldn’t possibly comment being a married man 😏
Perhaps that’s the reason some single ladies are on here instead of Trinder or Plenty of Cod etc. .
And long may the single ladies continue to stay here before anyone jumps down my throat.

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ClassyLady77 - 26 Mar, 2021 - 08:45PM

I had a brief spell of being single few years ago.. I had great fun. However the whole dating thing was shit. Single men are single for a reason, All the good ones are married and stay married.. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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1386735 - 26 Mar, 2021 - 04:57PM


Completely agree, there’s a lot on here who don’t like those women that have the guts to say what they think and stand up for themselves. Fake people, fake profiles!

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ExoticOrchid - 26 Mar, 2021 - 03:38PM

There is nothing scary about "fellow women" who refuse to be labelled and have the guts to stand up for themselves.

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Nikhil - 25 Mar, 2021 - 11:15PM

Married people are likely to be more happy for sure

gemini2310 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 10:34PM

I dont think it makes any difference if your married or single both can be very happy with the life they have

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Reef7765 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 08:48PM

is this still going on? Did we come to a consensus ?

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