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Are married people or single people happier? Personally, I think married people are happier. Yes, I know I'm married and on IE - but I STILL think I'm happier then an unattached person might be. Aren't we here to live a little but keep things sweet at home...thoughts?

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Comments (139)

1386735 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 06:23PM


Come on, all tongue in cheek man, maybe you don’t get sarcasm or humour!

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1434661 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 06:04PM

Your Ultimate Desire - 25 Mar, 2021 - 04:49PM
"This topic is boring now!"

I agree. It is boring.
Your inability to consider that there is a life different from your own viewpoint is what I find difficult to comprehend.

We are all here for different reasons. You have tried the clubs and other websites and yet because you have now decided that this is the way you want to conduct your extra marital experiences you've now decided that no one else's view is a reality, only your own.

Am I 100% happy? No, I never said that. I said I am happily married. If I had to quantify then I'd say I am 95% happy but to go from having sex almost daily to getting nothing for a week while he works away can be a bit jarring, so I'm here to fulfil the 5% of the time when I am feeling the need.

So, how much Happiness do you need to quantify to be considered happily married?

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1421217 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 05:55PM

What if your married with a cat !!!! , oh yeh I went there . Come on now or someone will have to throw a Dog 🐶 n here

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Rustiqe plaisir - 25 Mar, 2021 - 05:43PM

YUD- “I can only guess that these women you know have been the ones you have dated?
It’s a sad thing if you can only date single ladies who have cats”.
How sad that you think this way. As a bloke, am I not allowed female friends without sexual connotations being involved?
FYI, the ladies that I’ve mentioned are friends, gained over many years,, with whom I meet up for coffee and a chat from time. They comprise of childhood friends, former work colleagues and clients.
I haven’t had intimate relations with any of them, nor would I consider as such. And yes, most of them have cats!
I did earlier apologise for the generalisation, in case any single person without a cat was offended.

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1386735 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 05:21PM

Rustique Plaisir

I can only guess that these women you know have been the ones you have dated?
It’s a sad thing if you can only date single ladies who have cats 🤡😁

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ExoticOrchid - 25 Mar, 2021 - 05:15PM

HotChoco - 10:14AM

Shhhh 🤫 ... apparently we are not suppose to be happy as singles ... we live a lonely life with a cat and eating meals for one. 😪 🐈 🍽

1386735 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 04:49PM

Come on you can’t compare this to a bloody Indian meal ffs!

I’m sorry I will always disagree with this one, if you say you are happily married then you are lying. If you are looking for sex outside the marriage you cannot be 100 per cent happy,

I’m the sure the wife or husband of the one having the affair would probably disagree they are happily married if there other half is having sex elsewhere.

This topic is boring now!

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ExoticOrchid - 25 Mar, 2021 - 03:34PM

Sportster1200L - 03:23PM

I eat meals I cook myself actually 😋☺

Rustiqe plaisir is the one who seems to assume that all single people are sad and lonely and eat meals for one and own cats! 🙄

1117169 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 03:23PM

@ ExoticOrchid

Do you eat meals for two then?

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Rustiqe plaisir - 25 Mar, 2021 - 02:15PM

Exotic Orchid- I don’t begrudge anyone being on here as ultimately we all have a choice with whom we communicate.
The cat thing was a generalisation so apologies for any offence, it’s just that on a personal level, practically every single lady I know has a cat.

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