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Are married people or single people happier? Personally, I think married people are happier. Yes, I know I'm married and on IE - but I STILL think I'm happier then an unattached person might be. Aren't we here to live a little but keep things sweet at home...thoughts?

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Comments (139)

1434661 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 02:10PM

oncebittentryagain - 25 Mar, 2021 - 11:45AM
"What is left then just an animalistic, empty sexual intercourse?"

No, what it left is friendship based on mutual respect for boundaries and a true understanding of sexual appreciation. Two people not looking at each other to fix the lack of Love/Intimacy or trying to find Happiness outside of their marriage as that is dangerous territory. That is why so many admit to falling in love with their IE.

For eg: if you have a platonic best friend, you can still be friends with others without looking to replace. The friendships you have away from your Best Friend isn't empty, is it?

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ExoticOrchid - 25 Mar, 2021 - 02:02PM

Oh and for the record, I do not eat "meal for one" and I do not have a cat ... I'm also very happy to sleep alone [and every so often not alone which is perfect] and wake up at peace with myself and my life.

I do admit though that it was nice having a husband who paid the bills!

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ExoticOrchid - 25 Mar, 2021 - 01:59PM

Rustiqe plaisir - 25 Mar, 2021 - 01:55PM

Excuse me but I didn't bring up this "debate" ... please read what I have said about "live and let live" ... there are some people here who keep harping on about this ... if they have a grudge against singles being here, they should complain to Admin, not keep stirring ... if you bother to read my comments earlier on, I have been on both sides of the fence ... I kept myself happy in a bad marriage and I am happy not being in a marriage now ... I don't have to convince myself of anything. I said it and I say it again since you people don't read comments properly ... happiness is a state of MIND, not a state of being married or single!!!

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Rustiqe plaisir - 25 Mar, 2021 - 01:55PM

Exotic Orchid- “ more like a smug married trying very hard to convince themselves they have the best and happiest life! ”
Is it not the same as a single person saying ‘smugly’ they are blissfully happy as they eat their meal for one and trundle off to bed alone waking up in the morning with no one for company except the cat.
I accept that a lot of single people will be happy with this lifestyle, can’t you accept that a lot of married people will be happy with our lifestyle?

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Rustiqe plaisir - 25 Mar, 2021 - 01:40PM

I’ve always said it’s healthy to disagree and this topic has certainly provided some excellent comments.
What I can’t understand is when I look at the advertised strap line for Illicit Encounters - it’s at the top of the page- what does it say? And then why are we having this discussion?

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ExoticOrchid - 25 Mar, 2021 - 01:27PM

Cultivateddesires - 25 Mar, 2021 - 10:05AM
"Such binary discussions are unhelpful."

As I have said, there is always someone stirring this particular pot ... more like a smug married trying very hard to convince themselves they have the best and happiest life!

Live and let live people.

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oncebittentryagain - 25 Mar, 2021 - 11:45AM

"Too many people associate Sex with Love and Happiness. "

What is left then just an animalistic, empty sexual intercourse?

Bereweeke - 25 Mar, 2021 - 10:43AM

I am waiting for the Office of National Statistics to chip in after they deal with the 2021 census.

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1434661 - 25 Mar, 2021 - 10:42AM

Why can't you be happily married and seek sex elsewhere?

I have a favourite Indian restaurant I go to, does that mean if I fancy Indian food I must go to that place every time? We would say that is absurd, of course you may try other Indian restaurants... But does it mean I'm unhappy with that place? Of course not. It just means every once in a while I might want to try the same dish but prepared by another establishment. Also, I like to have a back up for when my favourite place is unavailable.

Too many people associate Sex with Love and Happiness. We're not all here because we're unhappy with our relationships.

Now I await the bombardment of criticism.

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HotChoco - 25 Mar, 2021 - 10:14AM

Can we tally the vote now....

Mine would be .... single and happy ☺️🤓

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