Keeping in contact
How often do you exchange texts/messages with your IE? Sometimes can go days without a reply, is this normal? Can't help but think they have lost interest or am I being sensitive?
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Comments (186)
There and back - 06 May, 2021 - 09:15AM
If they take that long they've found someone else....general rule in dating / romance.......if it take them a long time to respond, their not interested :-) This is like a sweet shop and people get greedy lol
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1450465 - 06 May, 2021 - 09:11AM
It would be nice to get a reply of any sort, this isn’t as easy as I thought it would be, but it’s a bit of fun
Relaxed Vibes - 02 May, 2021 - 06:43AM
If someone arranged a date with me then went quiet I would assume they’d either got cold feet or had moved on. I certainly wouldn’t be chasing!
I’m not about to enter into any games on here. It either flows or it doesn’t
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1386735 - 29 Apr, 2021 - 03:41PM
Makes you sound like a player, but you’re not 🤔
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Sigmaguy - 26 Apr, 2021 - 04:21PM
You say you’re stopped hunting... have you been successful in your search for a sexual encounter? Maybe it’s because what you want isn’t what will turn you on... Have you studied how the female mind works???
There’s something called ‘The No Contact Rule’ ... it’s basically a highly successful method for re-igniting lost love, getting girlfriends/boyfriends back and building attraction.
I’ve had to use it on occasion when arguments threaten a breakup and a woman has tried the ‘silent treatment’ on me and every time it’s worked a treat. I use it every time I date someone (I fix a date then shut up) and it always builds desire. If you make yourself too available you are lowing your value.
God I sound like a total player!!! I assure you I’m not, but these techniques help if you want to make successful dates and build attraction.
Sigmaguy - 26 Apr, 2021 - 04:08PM
Don’t care what anyone says, we all want to miss someone and have the excitement of meeting. Don’t ruin it by chatting via text too much, it can ruin the whole experience.
Get talking and fix a bloody date and shut up. Actions speak louder than words. There is no substitute for face to face communication.
Nowadays it’s so easy, just organise a video date... works really well.
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24ct Collar - 22 Apr, 2021 - 07:15PM
Depends on the fling. I’ve had long term flings when I’ve had no contact for months then got back in contact again and had daily messages. Had an encounter and left saying “see you next time” and it weeks or months again. Others have been multiple messages and conversations a day. Others weekly. All depends really
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1448631 - 22 Apr, 2021 - 09:34AM
If you are having a full blown affair one would expect daily contact if only by messages
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Maria Jones - 21 Apr, 2021 - 11:07PM
i like a message every day but understand if that doesnt or cant happen. holidays for example can be difficult to manage
1422646 - 21 Apr, 2021 - 01:23PM
No excuse for less than this.
I am out of the affair hunting, but I can guarantee to you that if a man is interested, he will contact you frequently.
I am not talking about the cases where you are years together but at least at the start is a bit odd not to.
At least it wouldn't do for me.
I need to have a very strong bond feel sexually attracted to someone.
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