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Keeping in contact

How often do you exchange texts/messages  with your IE? Sometimes can go days without a reply, is this normal? Can't help but think they have lost interest or am I being sensitive?

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Comments (186)

Realhousewife20 - 09 May, 2021 - 11:37AM

Relaxed vibes- I’m still in contact with my previous IEs and I speak to one of those constantly throughout the day via text sending memes etc. My current IE doesn’t have access to his phone during the day due to work so can only message before and after work! So at a minimum we message once a day, depending on how much he can access his phone may be 4-5 messages a day. This is fine for me as the fewer messages are really long ones and cover everything rather than back and forth texting all day!

Relaxed Vibes - 09 May, 2021 - 12:17AM


I still speak with previous paramours more often than that! I am a complete chatterbox though!

Realhousewife20 - 08 May, 2021 - 11:44PM

My current IE and myself message at least once a day now, just a couple of catch up messages on what we have been up to that day etc. We try and have a FaceTime at least once a week and tend to meet up once a fortnight.

Plumberdave - 08 May, 2021 - 08:32PM

I have the same problem. I message everyday if I can sometimes go days without a reply then I get well thought you had lost interest ! Some I ask for passwords say we have already swopped but havnt if you are not interested it’s better to just say sorry not for me than leave people in limbo

1386735 - 08 May, 2021 - 10:44AM


You’re really not coming across as a catch! Plus your ego re the flipping 11.
🙄 seriously

1449716 - 07 May, 2021 - 10:51PM

Sigmaguy , yep heed your own advice , a hot mess , is still a mess ?. Keep your willy in yer pants and use yer brain x

Teresa di Vicenzo - 07 May, 2021 - 08:56PM

Sigmaguy -

Delete her and block her. She’s an attention seeker. We’re all too old for all that

ExoticOrchid - 07 May, 2021 - 08:22PM

April2021 - 08:15PM

Unsurprisingly!!! 🤏

1449716 - 07 May, 2021 - 08:15PM

Sigmaguy, you’ve u contradicted what you said in an earlier post

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Sigmaguy - 07 May, 2021 - 08:11PM

Relaxed Vibe… absolutely, I never did the chasing…. That’s the point… I have a relaxed vibe myself… I just don’t like being played with by a flaky tw@… I have told the woman to get lost but she keeps coming back… I say let’s go on a date, she agrees then cancels!!!! Agreed my stupid fault, I should ignore her..: but she’s a flipping 11!!! So she’s dating idiots, then coming to me when she gets bored… I know exactly what’s going on… Some women, they just can handle being alone for 10 bloody seconds.

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