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Keeping in contact

How often do you exchange texts/messages  with your IE? Sometimes can go days without a reply, is this normal? Can't help but think they have lost interest or am I being sensitive?

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Comments (186)

1455097 - 06 Jun, 2021 - 07:37AM

This is definitely an interesting topic.
On a personal level, I like a constant chat. Whilst I appreciate that it doesn’t always work like that given the constraints of what this relationship is, it’s about creating a fluidity, interest and desire. When you spark with someone, all of a sudden, I want the conversation, laughs, flirtiness and naughtiness. The occasional message every few days doesn’t really cut the mustard IMO, if you like someone, surely it’s not that challenging to find 5 mins out of your day to let it be known?!

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Curvy4u - 06 Jun, 2021 - 12:07AM


1449137 - 05 Jun, 2021 - 11:02PM

I just think this is unique for every 'relationship'. One constant is that, you are actually able to raise the topic with your lover/f buddy and have an honest chat about it.

To answer your question.... yes, they have lost interest. You may be contacted again by them when they feel horny if thats the case you are nothing but an easy release.

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1117169 - 05 Jun, 2021 - 04:20PM


You have it sussed!

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ExoticOrchid - 05 Jun, 2021 - 10:54AM

I'm not needy or demanding so quite relaxed about it all ... there are some I know well enough to message first and some I only reply to when they message me ... as has been said, it very much depends on the individuals and their circumstances too ... I've had everything from many messages an hour/day to a few messages every other day to an email every few days ... also depends on the kind of relationship you have with them.

One thing I will say though ... in my book, the "keepers" are the ones who message even more often AFTER a hotel meet!!!

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1455907 - 04 Jun, 2021 - 11:06AM

As much as I like contact - I am also aware that whilst I have time to message etc the other party might not be able to, each person is different. I am of the ilk if want to message I will, nice to get a response immediately but no drama if I do not. However the height of rudeness is ghosting - it is such a cowardly and awful thing to do - even just a quick - sorry no more contact is better than the utter rudeness of ghosting

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Gallowglass666 - 04 Jun, 2021 - 10:58AM

Surely it would be polite to get a reply to a message, even if it is 'no, thank you'. It would also be polite after several messages and losing interest to tell the person rather than 'ghosting' them. Either of these solves the problem, and days of no contact (people have lives!) simply have no deep meaning other than that the person is busy.

My guess would be a preponderance of women just here for online fun, ego boosting and no real intention of ever meeting, and some men who like to keep several 'strings' going, again, an ego boost.

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1447655 - 29 May, 2021 - 10:04PM

Can someone please just come over and take my god damn phone off me?! I'm awful for making contact, and I want to at least try to be cool and aloof!

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1117169 - 29 May, 2021 - 08:16PM

@ good.things

There definitely are genuine women on here. Persevere. You will soon be able to discern who they are and separate the wheat from the chaff.

Don't come across as too keen though. Women hate that until later on, when they will expect it!

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1453959 - 24 May, 2021 - 10:18PM

Ha. I'm just over the moon when I actually get a response. As a shortie and a sentimental, I'm probably in the wrong place, so when a message comes in I rather pitifully and shamelessly pounce on it and, when the trail goes quickly cold, I just have to do my best to shrug it off. There may be some genuine women here, but I don't feel I've stuck gold yet. I think sometimes the ability to hide behind a screen has the effect of dissipating any sense that there's a real human being at the other end of a conversation.

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