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Keeping in contact

How often do you exchange texts/messages  with your IE? Sometimes can go days without a reply, is this normal? Can't help but think they have lost interest or am I being sensitive?

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Comments (186)

Gormlessoaf - 31 Mar, 2021 - 05:34AM

Theres having necessary and intimate contact that are part of the magic and coincidence. This is welcome and manageable.

There is also dealing with someone on the obsessive spectrum. This is a problem and a spoiler.

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1329251 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 05:43PM

Yeah I wouldn't over think it xx it is what it is, but you're within your rights not to hang around waiting. I'd keep my options open sometimes x chat to other potential friends if it's early in the relationship

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1433297 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 03:46PM

All comes down to what you both agree on.
I have no issue with contact as Iโ€™m single but if someone isnโ€™t then their needs and protection are paramount.
No real additional comment as still awaiting a first contact ๐Ÿ˜‡

Jakeisback6969 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 11:05AM

Think that itโ€™s more for men than ladies.....
If Iโ€™m wrong then please cum tap me on the shoulder ๐Ÿ˜‚

1117169 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 10:32AM

If you are simply looking for a regular "fuck buddy" then contact only to make arrangements to meet is required and its easy to contain and compartmentalise the relationship, much like you do with friends and work colleagues.

If you start communicating frequently in between, you will then start to build an emotional connection and, if you are a normal caring person and not emotionally callous, your relationship will almost inevitably develop into something much more. You may even fall in love.

Its hard to get the balance right.

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1444413 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 10:15AM

I suppose it's all in the circumstances your both in but even if it's just a case of touching base never goes wrong

241014 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 09:59AM

@Sigmaguy itโ€™s not only the ladies who crave that attention. Plenty of men want the dopamine and waste plenty of time too.

1320953 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 09:26AM

A little text from someone saying." Morning, I'm thinking about you" is lovely to receive. Can brighten a dull day
It doesn't take long to type and send. I guess a bit of effort is hard for some. A descreet text can make someone feel wanted and valued, it can make all the difference

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Pete likes wine - 30 Mar, 2021 - 08:57AM

I must say i have struggled enormously with this and one on here will know that lockdown has been a pain at home and not much happening you dont want to be a bore and have little to say new. Well if thats blown it at least i have been honest!

1386735 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 08:51AM


Wow I have to admit first time Iโ€™ve agreed with a mans comment on here. Spot on.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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