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Keeping in contact

How often do you exchange texts/messages  with your IE? Sometimes can go days without a reply, is this normal? Can't help but think they have lost interest or am I being sensitive?

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Comments (186)

Sigmaguy - 30 Mar, 2021 - 08:42AM

Ohhh this is a really touchy subject with me. I’ve been dating for a bit of time and I have noticed that there are lots of women out there who crave attention only. Snapchat, TicTok, Instagram... full of Women who just love getting likes and the attention.

It’s like the profiles that say ‘Dipping toe in the water’ what the gel does that mean??? It means I’m not sure, I’m going to waste your time’ basically.

Emotional energy can easily get wasted on the wrong person if you let them mess with you: If someone makes you feel uneasy or you’re thinking ‘this isn’t right?’ then you should trust your instincts and move on ASAP. If you lest people treat you with disrespect, it shows you don’t respect yourself.

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Fastbum - 29 Mar, 2021 - 11:17PM

Remember when you could go out without a phone and £5
And it would get you drunk and pay for a taxi ?

gemzippy - 29 Mar, 2021 - 07:45PM

I do think men and women are wired slightly differently when it comes to expectations which is why communication is key.
I do think that messaging/texting in between meets are important and at the end of the day everyone has to use the bathroom whether at home or at work where they can send a quick cheeky message even if it's just to say hello or I'm not going to be around for a while!

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1393321 - 29 Mar, 2021 - 05:59PM

It depends on several things: if the liaison has become intimate then frequent texting between meets is natural and appreciated.

If the IE is married I would expect less and shorter messages at weekends, but everyone has a lunch break and can say hello with even just a funny picture. I have had lovely one liner conversations with a married IE. If someone is keen, they will find a way.

If the IE was single and after a week of no messages I would assume the interest was waning. If I am doing all the messaging to generate a meet I will first give him the benefit of doubt and then say something. If another week goes by and no contact from him I will start answering messages from other men on here because what's the point in bringing it up again?

But I agree with a previous comment that it is bad form to not tell someone they've been dumped. Blocking and ghosting is immature.

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1442248 - 29 Mar, 2021 - 05:19PM

It depends on those involved and what circumstances allow
If one is going to go quiet for a period, the other ought to know in advance and to know their IE is ok

Prof. - 29 Mar, 2021 - 04:16PM

In theory surely its not unreasonable to expect what you would get from a friend? And with that i know i have friends that always get back to me straight away and some are a little longer, maybe even next day or so but its not necessarily through ignorance.

Also, i do wonder if there is a slight hesitation to reply without being able to maintain a reasonable length of chat?

Although, as Teresa alludes to, if the conversation holds no substance when it does happen it would be worth bringing it up.

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1117169 - 29 Mar, 2021 - 03:07PM

If you are both reasonable, mature, flexible understanding individualsand you trust each other, you will come to an understanding about communication and you never let it becomes an issue

If it is or does become an issue that you can't resolve then maybe they are not the best person for you and you either end it or put up with it.

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 29 Mar, 2021 - 02:24PM

Woohoo! A new topic! I’m so happy ..

As I’ve said before, I have an IE. We text pretty much every day, although weekend texts can be sparse and brief, but as we both have ‘real lives’ it’s to be expected. We speak on the phone when we can, obviously with prior arrangement, usually a few days in advance - he likes to be organised ..

I’m not naturally a needy person, but I don’t think I could cope with the OPs comment that they can ‘go days’ without a reply. I’m afraid I’d feel disrespected, and only good for one thing. Yes, I’m an over-thinker, but when communication is rare it’s hard not to think about exchanges etc, and if they don’t happen, well, are we just cheap sex workers? OP, you’re not being over-sensitive, talk to your IE about your thoughts and see how it’s taken. Messaging may not be an easy thing for your IE to do. Lots of possible reasons why they don’t happen. Just make sure you’re happy. If you’re not happy there’s no point in risking your life for

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Prof. - 29 Mar, 2021 - 01:33PM

I think that if you get to know each others habits then its easier to understand gaps in chat, probably why its important to establish an understanding of each others circumstances before jumping in head first.

Sin Aman101 - 29 Mar, 2021 - 12:07PM

I think an affair by its nature is very difficult to have good conversations on Kik or email...all the nuances of tone facial expressions etc. Are missing... Great for a hello.. miss you .. thinking of you etc.. I prefer to wait for the saucy bits in person bit when I am at home with my partner and kids I think the least I can do is give them the time.. however everyone is different.. unfortunately the more we change our routine the more likely we are to get caught

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