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In it for the thrill

I get a rush from the secrecy of an affair - it's a thrill. Does this happen to anyone else? Nothing gets me going more.

Interested to hear peoples opinions on this one, is it a normal fetish?

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Comments (86)

LadyDe - 22 Jan, 2024 - 08:13PM

Some of you might know from previous posts that I’m in an Open Marriage ..

Paula99… this hasn’t opened up a can of negative worms, we see it as an add on to our relationship, something that we can’t always get from each other, as we’ve been together for 22yrs, I’m sorry but pretending we don’t know each other in a bar and chatting each other up basically doesn’t cut the thrill and excitement we wanted ..we are always “open” that’s the key, you need ground rules. For us we always say when we’re going or seeing them, we don’t share intimate detail because that’s our own escapism’s. The thrill works for us, how long for who knows, obviously people don’t know our back story and how we are, but for us it’s great and enhances our marriage, oh I might add we don’t join together it’s very much a separate thing 🤭
It only works because of

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1639246 - 22 Jan, 2024 - 07:16PM

Yes….reality gets in the way doesn’t it. Every day in fact 😆

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Catherine - 22 Jan, 2024 - 07:05PM

Hey x

Paula99 - 22 Jan, 2024 - 06:41PM

Given a ‘license ‘ to take a lover just opens a can of worms…we humans are a complicated bunch and there is no ‘one size fits all answer..
If you are a couple and you both want to do this and you have an agreement then it can work…the issue with this is will one person start seeing their lover with out telling their partner and this is enough to cause a rift between the couple involved..you find out your husband/wife wants to be with their lover more than you …this creates anxiety..jealousy and mistrust…the seed of doubt has been sown…
What starts off as an exciting prospect in your marriage becomes the end of it …in some cases .

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1639246 - 22 Jan, 2024 - 06:10PM

Eliza Boo (and Lola_flowers123) - I totally agree with that and was thinking it through after my last post. It’s more the relaxing into a relationship that I enjoy……the less risk you can add in the better. I’m just looking for female company as much as anything and it would be even better if it was socially acceptable.

Being able to segregate one relationship from the other and treat them almost as different worlds is the dream for me I think.

Lola_flowers123 - 22 Jan, 2024 - 05:36PM

Yes for me too

1447655 - 22 Jan, 2024 - 05:31PM

You know, the thrill of secrecy, that whole forbidden fruit thing, I just find it an annoying inconvenience. I wish we lived in a society where having time with a lover away from your family was generally given a blind eye and sort of accepted, like it is if you're an Italian politician. It's the person and what we have with each other that excites me. The process is just a ball ache.

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Paula99 - 22 Jan, 2024 - 03:36PM


I think you need antibiotics for that 🧐

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1639246 - 22 Jan, 2024 - 03:26PM

I love the bit from the first second of the first meet onwards. When you know for sure that each other are real and genuine (and human!). And even better when it grows into something more…..sharing something together that nobody else knows about. That’s really intimate.

All the stuff beforehand (messaging/ghosting/photo swaps etc) I can happily do without to be honest.

But you can’t have one without the other, which is why we put up with it.

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giggly hamster - 22 Jan, 2024 - 12:18PM

This isn't even a question.

Surely the answer is always a crazy, heart pounding insides doing twisticles yes.

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