In it for the thrill
I get a rush from the secrecy of an affair - it's a thrill. Does this happen to anyone else? Nothing gets me going more.
Interested to hear peoples opinions on this one, is it a normal fetish?
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Comments (86)
Rach44 - 05 Jul, 2021 - 02:28PM
Definitely not a fetish but very much a thrill! Why would you do it if it’s wasn’t exciting you! ;)
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Mystero - 05 Jul, 2021 - 01:14PM
Like many I’m here for the thrills and excitement with a like minded person. Is it a fetish? Absolutely not
1449137 - 05 Jul, 2021 - 01:05PM
If you are a man with this fetish please don't join the secret service. Your erection will look like a weapon and get you killed.
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truth and logic - 05 Jul, 2021 - 09:40AM
If its not a thrill, why bother, its not a fetish , its the main reason for the site, lets talk fetish , far more fun.
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Chezley - 05 Jul, 2021 - 09:29AM
Another one out of the xmas cracker, good grief!
It is not a fetish!
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241014 - 05 Jul, 2021 - 09:08AM
Does it count as a fetish? Not sure about that.
But the thrill is real of course.
Even the thrill of just drifting off for a moments day dream about that special other ..: kept me smiling for sure.
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