In it for the thrill
I get a rush from the secrecy of an affair - it's a thrill. Does this happen to anyone else? Nothing gets me going more.
Interested to hear peoples opinions on this one, is it a normal fetish?
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Comments (86)
Princess0121 - 06 Jul, 2021 - 02:30PM
Back to the subject in question.
I do agree that a secret affair is exciting and if you meet a nice partner in crime then it can be a wonderful experience.
It's a nice feeling knowing someone desires you and can't wait to make passionate love to you.
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Princess0121 - 06 Jul, 2021 - 02:27PM
Your comment is honest and indeed sad. You should try and speak to someone close to you about it. As long as you are in good health with no major medical conditions then you should make the most of it.
There are always avenues where you can find the help you need. Alternatively, if your IE makes you happy then good luck to you. Just remember it's always a temporary fix and work hard on finding a more permanent solution to your problem.
Best of luck
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truth and logic - 06 Jul, 2021 - 08:17AM
@sigmaguy...rather a odd comment for a man on a married dating site, sounds almost like you dislike the actions of the very women you want to meet.
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1117169 - 06 Jul, 2021 - 07:44AM
Please believe that better times can be ahead if you want them to be and happiness can be found if you look hard enough for it and work at it. Happiness comes from within and you must not look for others to provide it.
Try to resist those negative thoughts. Many people feel like you have sometimes.
Read " The Rational Male" It might open your eyes!
The more you
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truth and logic - 06 Jul, 2021 - 06:53AM
Rose bud_ I will start i love a man in uniform, still makes me feel like the silly teenager, would visit an army town at the weekend...dont mind a coppers uni but forces best, why i wonder?I like to play the nervous partner being seduced by the boss or a stranger(lots of strange on here)almost but then not quite against my will.BUT GREAT STRAIGHT IS GREAT TOO, what is a fetish? WHEN DOES FETISH BECOME DEVIANT? off topic but, if we followed the rules we would not be here.
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Anton555 - 05 Jul, 2021 - 11:49PM
After 40 years of marriage I do feel so unhappy even thinking of taking my own life but the thought of meeting my lover or just sending that naughty text just keeps that smile on my face and a spring in my step....the best tonic you could have
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1393321 - 05 Jul, 2021 - 07:23PM
Yes Truth and Logic, that would be a fun forum topic, let's chat fetishes!!!🤩😉
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Fluffy Sunshine - 05 Jul, 2021 - 07:11PM
I’ve never heard an affair called a fetish before.,
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Sigmaguy - 05 Jul, 2021 - 03:11PM
In every relationship there's a honeymoon period...After that it becomes a bit harder to maintain the spark. All this means is you can't keep things spicy in a long-term relationship and you crave the high of a new one. I hope your partner feels and does the same thing and I hope if you found out you'd be ok with it...
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