How quickly can a meeting become sexual?
How quickly should a meet move on to sexual contact, heavy petting inside clothing before full sex for example, and has anyne went to a meet with good intentions of not being too quick, and then got carried away with the excitement of the moment?
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Comments (165)
1743424 - 28 Jan, 2025 - 12:41PM
Sometimes quickly I guess if there’s a connection and chemistry, something that you can’t 100% judge from a profile. I like the long game, flirting and messaging before hand builds the tension. But I’m in no rush to find someone after all.
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1743108 - 28 Jan, 2025 - 05:53AM
Stop saying chemistry ffs.
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Bangers&Mash - 27 Jan, 2025 - 09:34PM
I met a lady on IE two years ago, we messaged a lot beforehand, both on the site and privately.
Building anticipation and desire just before we met, we soon had our first kiss and our minds led our hands astray.
We continued for 18 months, I've had six months without the chemistry and find myself here looking for one lady for a long term, passionate and discreet affair.
1544105 - 27 Jan, 2025 - 07:50PM
It's all about chemistry for me. If it's there, it'll happen in no time.
jonotwo - 26 Jan, 2025 - 10:04PM
Its difficult, if the chemistry is right its hard to not end up in bed together
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young fun mum - 26 Jan, 2025 - 11:46AM
I think if the chemistry is there, and I'm excited, I'd jump him as soon as I could lol
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Paula99 - 25 Jan, 2025 - 06:48AM
It’s nice to read posts from older guys and it proves that there is more to the phrase ‘old dog new tricks’…hope you find your new lover 😊
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Corgi50 - 24 Jan, 2025 - 10:46PM
Mine is with a lover of 5 years so far. We contacted through a site and emailed and messaged for about 3 months. I was in a sexless msrriage and she hsd been married twice and hurt badly abd just wanted a lover. Then the opportunity of meeting came through and met at a Costa in her town. After an hour of talking she invited me to hers which is where we kissed, talked and kissed talked and then spent 2 hours of unforgetable passion. Sexually she was inexperienced because the husbands were happy with the basics but we lit a fire that kept on glowing. Each meet was different but I always left with a glow on my face and memories to savour plus knowing more is to come.
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