Would Using Lube Make You Feel Inadequate?
Do you take lube on your hotel meets? When women get to a certain age, they sometimes need a bit of help in the lubrication department due to hormones and the menopause. Have you used lube? Do you expect lube? Would you, as a man, be offended if lube was used?
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Comments (124)
Polycarbonate - 11 Mar, 2022 - 10:31AM
Well then, a non specific that needed no treatment. Not bad for 10 years?
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FluffyClouds - 11 Mar, 2022 - 09:54AM
I doubt a yeast infection cleared in a day. You need antibiotics.
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Polycarbonate - 11 Mar, 2022 - 09:37AM
Fluffy cloud
My fwb of over 10 years used it throughout. It suits her. There was only one instance of a yeast like infection. That cleared in a day. No problems otherwise.
It's up to the conditions of the lady's vagina. They will find what works for them, even then it might not suit the man.
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Mad World - 11 Mar, 2022 - 07:57AM
Thank you for the no no on baby oil.
Yeast infections?! π±
Baby Oil has been summarily REMOVED from the future Lube shopping List. Thank you Fluffy
To my usual party pooping mates - you know who you are π - pls note
- Watford Gap is in Northamptonshire.
- No one said London is the epitome of sophistication - the Isle of Sheppey holds that mantle.
- Lard was a joke. The rest was completely serious β¦..
Happy Friday In the Fun Factory to all πΊπΊ
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1506940 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 07:10AM
I've never considered the use of lube to be about NEED only extra pleasure, and I've never found it to reduce sensitivity, but then I don't use it internally. Lube (tingly, flavoured and natural) is a staple bit of kit in my sex bag along with lingerie, toys and condoms... and my prefered one is coconut oil.
So I wouldn't even consider a man's reaction to my use of it because its just standard in both shared or solo sex.
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Peaches1 - 10 Mar, 2022 - 11:29PM
If it helps then take it. Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I personally don't need it but it's quite enjoyable. The tingly ones are great!
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ExoticOrchid - 10 Mar, 2022 - 10:58PM
FC - 10:42PM
Legends in their own minds!!! π€£
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FluffyClouds - 10 Mar, 2022 - 10:42PM
Ahh, you can see there are a couple of men on here who would be offended if lube was required, the proverbial studs whose skills are legendary π€£
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FluffyClouds - 10 Mar, 2022 - 10:33PM
Baby oil is a big no no inside a woman, gives women yeast infections. Hence why there is such a thing as lube.
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