Would Using Lube Make You Feel Inadequate?
Do you take lube on your hotel meets? When women get to a certain age, they sometimes need a bit of help in the lubrication department due to hormones and the menopause. Have you used lube? Do you expect lube? Would you, as a man, be offended if lube was used?
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Comments (124)
Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 05:39PM
Welcome back B n S... tut tut.
I knew you would come out of the woodwork.
My ' fanny ' is fine..thankyou for asking.😊
All I can say if your lady was dry why were you not using Lube or did you feel that you couldn't talk about it with her....😔
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Doc Johnson - 11 Mar, 2022 - 05:30PM
That happened to me once I lost my glasses and muddled up my durex strawberry play gel with a tube of epoxy resin. Nightmare.
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Beardandsandals - 11 Mar, 2022 - 05:16PM
Let the conference begin. Have you anything worthwhile to say, ever?
What do you do when your chuff box starts to dry out?
I've been with a dry woman before and got stuck in her! Really I could feel my skin having to peel away from her insides. I had to manoeuvre left right up and down to work myself free.
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Viking Barbarian - 11 Mar, 2022 - 05:01PM
God no... as a man I wouldn't be offended at all if she brought lube with her. In fact I'd welcome it. Can't ever have enough wetness and lubrication in my view.
If anything I'd give her points for taking the initiative and wanting to ensure we both had a great time! :)
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Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 03:39PM
We just need the other 'nutjob' to make an entrance now...then we can have a conference
Beard n Sandals..😂🤣😂🤣
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Doc Johnson - 11 Mar, 2022 - 02:55PM
I've learned so much from this thread.
From now on I'm going to lubricate one end of my date with prosecco and the other end with water based. The middle bits, massage oil. I'm leaving lard in the fridge and there will be no spitting. Anyone fancy a night out?
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FluffyClouds - 11 Mar, 2022 - 01:11PM
It also breaks down a condom after 1 minute according to medical journals. So you were probably alright.
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