Would Using Lube Make You Feel Inadequate?
Do you take lube on your hotel meets? When women get to a certain age, they sometimes need a bit of help in the lubrication department due to hormones and the menopause. Have you used lube? Do you expect lube? Would you, as a man, be offended if lube was used?
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Comments (124)
1494077 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 07:02PM
No nos so far in this week’s forum: Micropenises and dry fannies
Happy Non-Dry Friday all
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FluffyClouds - 11 Mar, 2022 - 06:55PM
Life in the Fast Lane - I've eaten my popcorn now, need a translation from BeardandSandals
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FluffyClouds - 11 Mar, 2022 - 06:53PM
Why can they go further between having a wee? Que?
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Mad World - 11 Mar, 2022 - 06:47PM
Christ, I thought I was Public Enemy Number 1 with the girls but I’m putty compared to others appearing here. Feeling a little left out truth told
I’m joining the lovely Fluffy Clouds on the 🍿🍿🍿
Reminds me of the school playground this
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Beardandsandals - 11 Mar, 2022 - 06:42PM
Oh well, that's different.
Seeing as you've got the headpiece, why do the older girls dry out? Why can they go further between having a wee?
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Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 06:32PM
B n S..
By the way...I am a nurse of 25 years and I don't have a shell to withdraw too...I have learned to deal with my 'ghosts'.
I have seen things far worse than you can imagine.
I am still smiling..😊
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Beardandsandals - 11 Mar, 2022 - 06:11PM
It was many years ago before the availability of all such things. I think KY was issued under prescription then.
She could only produce what mother nature gave her. A wee blob of her own juice, to last long enough for the briefest of sex. She was given to cheating and quick stand up fucks.
In general a fuck would happen with little or no issue. Just occasionally she was struck by chronic dryness. She just accepted it and I had to as well. But we were done and dusted in a year or so.
That particular incident left me with torn foreskin. That took a long time to heal. Frightening now I recall.
Well you'd better shove your head back in your shell. Theirs incoming and you don't have the guts for it.
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1483184 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 05:52PM
Beard and sandals , maybe you should have taken your sandals off first then before you “ went in “ . Schoolboy error
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