Would Using Lube Make You Feel Inadequate?
Do you take lube on your hotel meets? When women get to a certain age, they sometimes need a bit of help in the lubrication department due to hormones and the menopause. Have you used lube? Do you expect lube? Would you, as a man, be offended if lube was used?
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Comments (124)
Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 09:00PM
I am qualified to know ...clearly your not
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Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 08:59PM
Maybe you should take your own advice and seek a psychiatrist..🥱
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EmnEm123 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 08:42PM
Is that like you knowing a lot about a dose of Herpes?
Again, a nurse?
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EmnEm123 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 08:29PM
Take a look at your own behaviour, you're constantly slagging people off.
I so enjoy answering you back.
You the nurse of 25 years who doesn't seem to mind branding people as nutjobs or having obvious (with no evidence) mental health
I hope you don't work in mental health or gynaecology.
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Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 08:26PM
.she seems to know alot about the subject I wonder why..🤔🤣🤣
Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 08:21PM
I think you get off on insulting and shaming people..
Your about as funny as a dose of Herpes..
I am sure the we can speak for themselves instead of you being the mouthpiece..
Typical behaviour of a woman that likes to think she is right and always have the last word..
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1117169 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 08:20PM
Both equally as bad and a nightmare if you are hermaphrodite 😉
EmnEm123 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 08:10PM
I see you have missed me and others, we're back!
No luck, eh?
You are worse than than a Hermaphrodite with a dry fanny and a tiny willy!
Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 07:16PM
Not sure which is worse...dry fanny or a tiny Willy.. 🤣
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1352614 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 07:08PM
Finally a thread thatcis fun to read 🤣🍿
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