Should I start something at work?
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Comments (206)
Paula99 - 10 Nov, 2022 - 04:10PM
If you do this at work … you become the topic of all office gossip plus you loose the respect of your co workers..
You might think it’s just jealousy but this kind of thing creates too many distractions plus you may line yourself up for harassment and disciplinarys in the future..
You will always be known as the ‘one that shagged the boss’
I hear it everyday at work and some of the story’s go back years.. somethings are never forgotten.
Is it worth risking your job for a quickie over the boardroom table ? 😕
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leggysheila - 10 Nov, 2022 - 03:33PM
Naughty little me did it with the boss several times and he had done several of the other girls as well XXX
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Zero 55 - 10 Nov, 2022 - 02:45PM
I did it with an older coworker in the big freezer 😸. I was young (19) and dumb 🤣 (so don't question me). well I still am dumb. I say If both of you are ok to risk then go for more discrete place unless you wanna go 🤠.
1546412 - 10 Nov, 2022 - 02:25PM
I did it numerous times in my 20s, with varying results. I worked in media where all the you guns are kind of expected to shag each other, there’s loads of parties with free drink, etc. But even at that stage of life it can make things awkward. It never got that way for me, but I was managing several exes who didn’t want to be on assignments together, for obvious reasons. As a married person? DO NOT DESTROY YOUR LIFE FOR SOME ILLICIT STICKY MICKY! I have two words for you as an example: Matt. Hancock. Do you REALLY want to go through a divorce and work humiliation like him? And no one is going to pay you £400k to go and eat Kangaroo anuses on a reality programme. 🫵
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1483842 - 10 Nov, 2022 - 02:04PM
Business and pleasure. No.
Anonymity. No.
Putting your own needs before family protection when needed at it's highest level is reckless, risky, selfish and you are, quite frankly, answering your own question by questioning it.
That's what IE is for. The safest platform for the needs of my husbands life to stay as it is with as little risk as possible. Even in this situation, I still put the needs and protection of my family life before the needs of what's throbbing in my panties.
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NikOLo - 10 Nov, 2022 - 12:54PM
It has far more chance of causing you lasting problems than for providing value to your life.
Like with anything, cutting corners due to proximity and convenience will come to bite you in the behind.
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1558991 - 10 Nov, 2022 - 10:24AM
Well tricky one alot loose work alongside person but flip side of the coin attractions there why not go for it?
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