Should I start something at work?
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Comments (206)
FluffyClouds - 11 May, 2022 - 08:44PM
Might as well hand your notice in now, because it will just implode if you pursue it. Plus she is single which will make it more complicated if she starts wanting a future with you. Do you really want to take the risk of her threatening to tell your wife?
1483184 - 11 May, 2022 - 08:14PM
I know 👍😂
1483184 - 11 May, 2022 - 07:58PM
Imagine when someone finds out , they always do , and your work life implodes , about 2 days before your home life does too , someone always says something , one wife came into the place I work and dumped her hubbys dirty underwear on said affairs desk , and suggested if she wanted to screw her hubby she could wash his pants too . Classic she got a standing ovation
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Paula99 - 11 May, 2022 - 06:58PM
At one time my employers used to look the other way if there was anything going on...for years.
Now it's different and I have seen people getting warnings about their behaviour.....its frowned upon at work...
Not worth ruining your career ..pension ..private health care...and much more for the sake of a few hot nights with work colleague.
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DorsetLass89 - 11 May, 2022 - 11:59AM
I have the biggest office crush on my CEO. He’s single but there’s absolutely no way I’d even hint towards something more than a professional relationship. Can’t risk my career, I love it too much.
When I catch a whiff of his incredible aftershave or our eyes meet across a meeting room, I have to be careful he doesn’t notice the blush though! 😳
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1117169 - 10 May, 2022 - 06:57PM
@Ashford Man
It certainly can help If both of the lovers are not permanently employed full time in the same part of the same workplace.
In your case you were just passing through. Its a different matter if the lovers have to face each other and function normally all day every day and try to keep it discreet. If it does go sour, or they get found out, things usually get very difficult and painful and more often than not one or both has to leave.
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1520846 - 10 May, 2022 - 04:00PM
Sorry but I am going to say Yes it can work. I work as a freelance and met someone in the office during an assignment. it was a very secret affair and we continued to see each other after I left for a few more months.
1396951 - 09 May, 2022 - 09:34PM
Some people can make it work, I know a few couples who met at work. Zero dramas whatsoever. Maybe they're the lucky ones.
I've always said it's all well and good as long as there's no problems. When that happens, potential for serious grief.
ClassyLady77 - 09 May, 2022 - 09:29PM
My golden rule is NEVER do anything with anyone at work.. I’ve only broke that once. Was only a kiss but I felt awful after.. To close to home.
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