Should I start something at work?
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Comments (206)
Anna.K - 14 May, 2022 - 11:55PM
I agree:
Only ever start something with someone at work if:
A) You're prepared to change jobs and
B) You're prepared to leave your wife/husband... and
C) You're prepared to risk your reputation and your next job!
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1482216 - 13 May, 2022 - 01:33PM
*one wife came into the place I work and dumped her hubbys dirty underwear on said affairs desk , and suggested if she wanted to screw her hubby she could wash his pants too*
She should have dumped them on her husband's desk and told him if he wanted to screw around he could wash his own effing pants.
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1117169 - 12 May, 2022 - 10:58PM
You are not meeting the right kind of men then.
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1483184 - 12 May, 2022 - 08:11PM
Sportster , I donโt know any man apart from a mechanic who can fix a car ๐. And it ended in divorce , mistress got the dirty pants and hubby , wife got the house , kids and her respect result . And no it didnโt last
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1117169 - 12 May, 2022 - 08:00PM
That's a great story, but I can't imagine a bloke turning up at his rivals workplace, dumping his tool box on his desk and saying "If you want to screw my wife, you can fix her car too" ๐
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Chezley - 12 May, 2022 - 05:46PM
She's just smiling and professional. It's not enough to assume it's a come on. If she has true burning desire for you she would have instigated something by now to let you know.
So she doesn't really fancy you. Don't be a chump and make a faux Pas.
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truth and logic - 12 May, 2022 - 02:53PM
I have had too work affairs , but my job means im not desk or home bound. so its easier for me . I meet new people often and work with guys from different sectors. But twice is enough, too easy to get a bad name and people are far less relaxed about things than before,,, she might go to HR and you end up branded a sex pest , you can barely say someone looks nice or that you like what they are wearing these days, METOO AND WOKE has changed the work place and so here i am
1354814 - 12 May, 2022 - 02:47PM
Only ever start something with someone at work if:
A) You're prepared to change jobs and
B) You're prepared to leave your wife/husband...
Caroline Red - 11 May, 2022 - 09:11PM
Yes go there if you want insanity to ensue. Everyone will gossip about you so your career will be over and when it ends it will end really badly. Keep with the smiles and find someone with as much to lose as you to play with.
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1494077 - 11 May, 2022 - 08:48PM
Couldnโt ask for a better script ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ
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