Should I start something at work?
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Comments (206)
Paula99 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 09:33PM
Having an ‘office ‘ affair is no one else business but the people involved make it everyone’s problem…not by announcing it but by their behaviour..
They have no respect for their colleagues and this causes favouritism and makes the ‘air’ difficult to work in…plus staff are constantly walking on egg shells because if the wives/husbands call then they have to make excuses to the whereabouts of the ‘persons’ involved…therefore expecting the staff to ‘lie’ for you is bad practice..
In my organisation it has been ‘rife’ in the past but management get involved now and it is severely dealt with and so it should be…why does anyone need to exposed to all that negativity at work….plus too much fooling around means ZERO PRODUCTIVITY..
You could also find yourself in a sexual harassment case and being the ‘office bike ‘ isn’t a great label ..
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1682268 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 05:06PM
Just because a woman smiles at you every day at work doesn't mean she's desperate to have an affair with you! Shes probably just a friendly lady who likes smiling! Why do some men straightaway think "oh she smiles at me, that must mean she wants me?" Calm down and get back to work or you could end up being reported to your HR dept as a sex pest.
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1612391 - 30 Jun, 2024 - 10:10PM
As long as you’re clear & honest as to what you want out of it… it’s not a problem. Office based affairs are what get most people through an office based job. I’ve just had the best 18 months with one… which has now sadly ended. But it’s been fucking wild! I strongly recommend.
1646093 - 28 Jun, 2024 - 10:17PM
I am not sure this is a good idea on a number of levels however if you don’t even know if she is married or not it is way too soon.
GioLuca - 28 Jun, 2024 - 05:59PM
Never mix business and pleasure. I've been there, done and got the t-shirt. It's not worth it. It will inevitably go south and its a hell if a mess to clean up.
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AsianGent1986 - 28 Jun, 2024 - 04:27PM
Generally too close to home but I’m not going to lie. A workplace affair is hot as F. But firstly, you don’t actually know she’s interested in you and you need something a bit more concrete before you shoot your shot or an HR case will be waiting. It doesn’t even sound like you’ve spoken to her.
But assuming you’re feeling that there is something there is correct. It’s a risk based decision. Like I said, it’s hot. But if she wants or it goes sour, she could bring your world crumbling down. So you need go evaluate it properly.
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1408586 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 07:02PM
R Deckard you need to tell her you’re married before your date- she will be furious!
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Enigma.. - 27 Jun, 2024 - 01:37PM
Good afternoon. Silly Questions Department. How can I help 🙄😂😉🤔💋
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Littlebird361 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 11:00AM
I recollect that a few months ago there was a bit of a fuss about whether it was proper for players and managers to have intimate relationships in women's football. Funny how no one thought to mention this to Ferguson, Klopp or any of the other managers in the history of the mens game.
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