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Should I start something at work?

My colleague smiles at me a lot. We have an obvious attraction to each other. But, she's my colleague. She doesn't have a ring on her finger, which could mean she's single but it could mean she just doesn't wear a ring. My ring is tattooed on. Is this too close to home?

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Comments (206)

June83 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 08:24AM

Don't shit where you eat!

R Deckard - 27 Jun, 2024 - 08:10AM

An affair IRL is no bad idea. But advice on an office affair is like on tobacco - unanimously negative: possibly enjoyable in the short run, definitely bad in the long run. Still, plenty of smokers around.
IRL affairs outside the office require some interest, hobby, activity...No,I am not one to join a choir, a book club or a prayer group - chastity would be vastly preferable. But I do have a gym where no colleagues/friends venture, so last week I asked a fellow class participant out. It felt strange. In the second before she replied, my brain automatically expected a pw request, or a question about how "generous" I am, or how I feel about being locked in a cage. It was odd not having to guess her personality or body shape (lycra is very revealing). I even felt that teenage nervousness I had totally forgotten!
I later asked myself why on earth I didnt do this sooner.
Of course, as I arrange our meet, I realise I have no idea whether she is interested in having an affair. What could possibly go wrong.

SexyChunkyA - 26 Jun, 2024 - 12:06AM

I think it makes things more awkward

CmfT40 - 25 Jun, 2024 - 09:43AM

Never play with the payroll.

EmnEm123 - 24 Jun, 2024 - 10:04PM

I know my colleagues relationship status, kids etc.

Surely this is part of everyday, general conversation?

As the OP is a man, he probably can't distinguish between friendly and fancy!

Another deluded fool! 😏

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Paula99 - 24 Jun, 2024 - 07:45PM


Bloody madness

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Peaches1 - 24 Jun, 2024 - 08:43AM

Definitely not! I have never mixed work with pleasure. Seen a few relationships unfold tho and they have never ended well, with people having to leave their job.

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1616715 - 06 Sep, 2023 - 12:21AM

Definitely not. If it goes sideways you still have to see that person every day. Either you'll have to leave or they will.
Working every day with someone when there is a bad atmosphere will be murder.
Keep it away from work.

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Babs willow - 28 Aug, 2023 - 01:22AM

I think it would be exciting to have fun at work x

laugar164 - 17 Aug, 2023 - 08:02PM

Paula all I can say there mustn't of been any vigorous action outer wise the sensors would pick it up

If it was me the lights would be on all the time and any heat sensors would trigger 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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