Should I start something at work?
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Comments (206)
AbbieO - 28 Jul, 2023 - 07:32AM
Oh yes. 100 per cent grab her! She seems to be giving you all the signals. And a work fling is always exciting. Whenever I’ve pulled a guy at work it’s been such fun. All the knowing glances to eachother the morning after. And sneaking off to a quiet corner for a quick snog and touch ;-))
Honeybeach75 - 24 Jul, 2023 - 10:11PM
Not worth the risk to be honest, too close to home.
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1599994 - 24 Jul, 2023 - 08:20PM
Not at all go for it
1575857 - 24 Jul, 2023 - 08:07PM
At the end of the day no matter where it originates an affair starts to get close to home, so I'm not sure how different it is from something on IE. Definitely brightens up work in my experience.
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Jay122 - 24 Jul, 2023 - 07:31PM
It’s a big no no for me, would end up leading to problems for sure. I did have a fling about 25 years ago but I was in the junior position as it were’!
Elmothelmo - 24 Jul, 2023 - 07:16PM
Wouldn't risk if it you're senior and massively care about your job. If you've got other prospects then you can't beat the thrill of sneaking around the office
Smartypants65 - 24 Jul, 2023 - 06:52PM
The best bits about this topic is the euphemisms : don’t sh*t on your own doorstep, don’t dip your pen in the same ink.. keep them coming!
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