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Should I start something at work?

My colleague smiles at me a lot. We have an obvious attraction to each other. But, she's my colleague. She doesn't have a ring on her finger, which could mean she's single but it could mean she just doesn't wear a ring. My ring is tattooed on. Is this too close to home?

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Comments (206)

1612345 - 24 Jul, 2023 - 02:35PM

Sounds like you need to do a little more basic research as to whether or not she is married; whether or not she understands that you're married (if that's what your finger tattoo means) and so on. Once you've established that you have to find out what the office rules are on inter-staff relationships and then ask yourself how much of a risk you're prepared to take with your current marital status for the sake of an office fling (and maybe your job). Unless you have your own executive office with an overnight suite for working late, it usually means a hotel, so…
But honestly? The excitement of an affair is NOT having to see the same person day in, day out.

LonelyFem - 24 Jul, 2023 - 11:48AM

My situation was a little different I met someone on here and ended up working at same company it didn’t last as we never got any time alone. he thought it would be ideal as would spend 5 days a week with each other . I still work there . we are still talking but no longer have a sexual relationship

Dottie1 - 24 Jul, 2023 - 11:11AM

You only live once! I've done it before as it was amazing. Definitely worth the risk. The thrill of it is just something else

1612867 - 24 Jul, 2023 - 09:11AM

Never dip your pen in the office ink...it's too much of a risk. A 60 mile distance is the best rule.

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Smartypants65 - 24 Jul, 2023 - 09:06AM

Next! They might as well ask, ‘Would you have sex with your neighbour’s cat.’

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1605475 - 22 Jul, 2023 - 09:23PM

a hard no…ever heard the expression don’t sh*t on your own doorstep? basically people will find out, they will
gossip and some will have fun hinting to your wife / husbands what you’ve been up to because people love to knock others down meh not worth the risk…work is work, okay should be kept away from work and home IMO

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1604745 - 18 Jul, 2023 - 11:39PM

I think if you are at a similar level and you are not very fussed about your career/job then it's probably harmless.

But if you are in a senior position. I am very strictly against it. I have had non physical intimate moments with a couple of my analysts which could easily have gone somewhere but i would never abuse my position, its simply not worth the risk.

In general, it is stupid to risk important aspects of your life for an affair.

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Funguy77 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 10:22PM

Just don’t fish from the company pier simple rule. God could you imagine how awful it would be if it went wrong or even if it went well. None of the above ends well right ?

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1408586 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 06:55PM

How do you stop yourself falling in love Han 9010?

Han9010 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 06:36PM

100% do it. Don’t fall in love and be honest with her.

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