Should I start something at work?
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Comments (206)
1408586 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 12:20PM
Sandypops your posts always make me smile you sound like a very warm person!
Not quite the same but I had an ‘open secret’ work affair in my early 20s (he was married I had a boyfriend) and we were weirdly treated like a couple at work, especially by the boss!
Looking back I’m horrified at my behaviour! We were openly affectionate/flirty and caught snogging a few times (luckily never anything more!!). Would never have a work affair again. Far too risky
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ClassyLady77 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 09:52AM
One of my many rules is don’t do anything with anyone you work with and I’ve only broke that once… 😜 wont do it again..
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laugar164 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 09:49AM
I agree with Paula. An affair it between two people not for office gossip the more people know the more risk of being found out , you only need to upset someone in the office and they may take revenge by spilling the beans
Office affair definitely not for me
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Paula99 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 09:18AM
Sandy pops..
Your posts are always good but I have to disagree with your last one…if your work colleagues have to ‘cover’ it up when her husband comes in I think that’s asking a bit much….it also only takes one person to make a mistake…I guess it can be denied but if her husband isn’t in the ‘right mindset’ and starts to make serious trouble I wouldn’t want to be implicated and I would certainly be pissed off if she upset my work environment ..
It’s frowned upon where I work and it’s a sackable offence I have had affairs in the past and each to their own but when you are expecting others to lie…to get your kicks.. I draw the line under this one …it shouldn’t be encouraged 😕
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Sandypops - 17 Jul, 2023 - 02:31AM
I def type too much 😂
Maybe I'm just a chilled boss though. One of my single employees started and affair with a married client who we saw everyday, twice a day and all weekend). I could sense the chemistry between them and spoke to them individually and told them both to just talk to each other about how they felt and go for it, if they wanted to. They are still having an affair 5 years later and still see each other everyday. But everyone at work knows and helps cover if her husband turns up.
But I appreciate this is not the norm 😂
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Sandypops - 17 Jul, 2023 - 02:26AM
I had initially intended to say, go for it .... until I read the comments here. I'm the boss and I have had a fling with a client's dad and a client's husband (both men were my age) but I didn't work with them EVERYDAY. The nature of my business meant I saw the guys daughter daily, but he came with her only a few times a week. The husband only came once a week with his wife. (And no I'm not a doctor or shrink or anything like that so no legally ethical rules were compromised)
I'm naturally flirty so staff often joke about me liking particular clients anyway and I joke back, so no suspicions were aroused. BUT if I was to have seen them, amongst other people. EVERYDAY, I'm sure the sexual chemistry would have been apparent. It's a very difficult thing to hide continually. Well, it is for me when all I want to do is rip their clothes off.
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Alexander512 - 16 Jul, 2023 - 11:20PM
This has happened at my old work place. I used to work on a helpdesk in a big office.
A girl was hired to do standard first line support job. Turned that she was an ex of one of the guys who was already working there. They had two kids together. She started seeing one of her colleagues. Obviously word got round. Her ex got pissed off and started making a nuisance of himself. Everyone was told to behave by management they have moved them to different floors. The girl found another guy and made sure that everyone knew that they were going out. It looks like she was on mission to piss her ex off.
In the end girl and her 3rd boyfriend were caught shagging in one of the smaller offices instead of working. Both of them were promptly fired.
Just be careful not be pawn in someone else's game.
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1546721 - 16 Jul, 2023 - 02:27PM
Agree its not worth the hassle
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1608086 - 16 Jul, 2023 - 01:47PM
I'd advise against it. 9 times out of 10 this will end badly, both emotionally and professionally. I'd suggest the attraction has only developed because you spend a lot of time together.
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