Should I start something at work?
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Comments (206)
Seeking.something.exciting - 28 May, 2023 - 12:12AM
I had a fling at work, was really really good for a few months and then he started to develop feelings which it was always agreed it would be no strings attached, ended up causing a lot of drama and awkwardness and then colleagues ended up finding out!!
Whilst it can be fun it can be so so risky, I wouldn’t do it again personally but if you do make sure you’re both 100% on the same page!! Good luck :)
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The Joy of Impotence - 27 May, 2023 - 11:16PM
I'm a dairy farmer, so if I have an affair at work I'll end up seeing her for what she is...a cow.
I therefore never mix business and pleasure. I wait until I go and feed the hens before I allow myself any funny business. I'm into hens rather than cockerels, though. After all, I'm not queer.
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Springit - 02 Apr, 2023 - 04:01PM
I did have an affair at work . The plus side is I’ve never loved someone as much as her . The minus is that it’s far too close to home. If it’s an affair , they’ll probably be upset and jealously along the way. I worked with mainly women and she got so jealous it sometimes spilled over. You’ll never be able to hide it completely and people will know or at least start to talk about. It could cost you your job in which case your husband/ wife will know about it. After all’s said and done, I’d say avoid work affairs. Although if there’s attraction it’s a lot harder to just say no of course. Good luck whatever happens
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1583652 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 01:04PM
Never at work-trust me 🙈
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1529050 - 13 Mar, 2023 - 10:40AM
They should just put this thread out of its misery instead of dragging up every few weeks .....
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Dicknotdastardly - 12 Mar, 2023 - 11:51PM
Are you sure she doesn't have wind. Babies smile at you when they have wind.
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1567308 - 11 Mar, 2023 - 01:56PM
Reminds me of the song 'Do you wanna be starting something...' 🤫
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1447655 - 11 Mar, 2023 - 08:25AM
Paula, some people must have a lot less work than others! Amongst spinning the plates, reinventing the wheel and simultaneously painting the fourth bridge, I haven't got time for sexy at work...
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