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Profile Suggestions?

Tips or ways to improve your profile? What makes a profile stand out from the crowd? How personal should you get and what should you include or leave out?

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Comments (194)

Paula99 - 25 Mar, 2023 - 07:53AM

I hope this isn’t going to be another debate about ‘we pay you play ?….change the record 🤔

Petruchio911…to put some spin on this ?

I think back to when I was a teenager and guys wouldn’t give a second glance at certain girl if she didn’t have ‘the look’ they were after….to be fair some girls treated guys like shit because they could ….maybe girls are getting their own back in a fortune reversal …the ones that were just the girl next door type are now deciding that they can have the pick of the guys because after all … we know that it’s the majority of males that get frustrated with their lack of a sex /intimacy…who knows🤷🏻‍♀️

Be careful of what you wish for ?😂

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1588157 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 10:59PM

IE is controlled by the fairer sex. They are innundated and are in control of who is responded to. It is what it is..

The guys have the bat and balls but the girls have the playing field

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1585013 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 10:27PM

Any one had any fake profiles ? Things too good to be true ?

Or generally most people giving mainly accurate info
/ impressions on the profile ?

Just wondered

1587581 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 10:09PM

Miss Chief 76 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 09:58PM

Very true, I actually remember reading yours and I was ruled out on the facial hair/chafing situation....It did make me smile though.

I've read some absolute belters though, one written by a very eloquent lady and artist/writer. I felt like I was reading a short story. It was lovely. Exchange quite a few messages with her.

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1483842 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 10:01PM

sjs _1969 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 06:12PM

It doesn't.

It's taken over 15 years to master my profile. And, a lot of frogs, hard lessons and some heart ache along the way. But, I'm a better lover for it.

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1483842 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 09:58PM

FerrariFF - 24 Mar, 2023 - 08:50PM

My profile also ensures that the bullshitters are kept away. It takes a special kind of confidence to take me on. You would not believe the amount of men that bypass my profile. When someone asks for advice or tips I'm happy to give a different perspective. I'm not everyones cup of tea and thats ok. But, like you, and everyone else on here has something special to offer.

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1408586 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 09:52PM

Good luck FFF 🤞

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1587581 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 09:46PM

I guess it comes down to what you're looking for, I'm not looking for hook ups I actually want some nice parts of a relationship when it suits us both. So whilst sex is important I need it to come with a little bit of romance to. A traditional love affair if you will.

I have made a connection, very early days though. Looking forward to seeing how it unfolds.

Just organising a meet, that won't involve hotels!

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James1268 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 09:31PM

Just be honest about what you want .. so many long winded stories and over sharing ... mainly by women

1408586 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 09:16PM


I kind of agree but when I was looking, I liked a guy’s profile to give a suggestion that he was a sex god I would want to worship lol, and not just a guy who isn’t getting any at home (and possibly for reasons!). But only a suggestion…

When I was looking for a while a few months ago, and updated my profile (it’s still pants I know) but I’m not sure it made any difference. In the end the one guy I met up with, I messaged him first 😂

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