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Double Dippers

You meet someone here, start dating them, build the connection, but then see them still active on here... Yet they reassure you that they are absolutely into you, that everything is perfect, that you are the woman of their dreams. If you aren't sure they will be the one, create a backup of a backup, pause and think... How fair is that?I have ghosts upon ghosts returning, wondering why I abruptly ended dating. I value myself and know what I have to offer, and that is an exclusive and absolutely fantastic affair. I refuse to settle for double dippers.

Any one else agree?

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Comments (240)

1528393 - 23 Jun, 2022 - 11:58AM

Dgvt1972 men aren't FORCED to take a scattergun approach, there are plenty of other websites if a man can't afford to renew his membership here. I'm more of a "keeping my options open" type myself so I'm certainly not judging anyone for playing the field at all, but if they choose to do that, as I am choosing to, that is a choice, nobody is forcing them.

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Dgvt1972 - 23 Jun, 2022 - 11:43AM

I’m sorry to say this but you’re all being rather naive. At any given moment there are generally twice as many guys on here as women, which means you get to take your pick, sift through the messages to see who takes your fancy. I don’t know whether you pay for your membership but we certainly do. It’s unrealistic to expect a guy to start chatting, go exclusive for 4 to 6 weeks only for it to then come to nothing, he’s then lost half or potentially all of his membership period. Unfortunately, far from picking and choosing a partner, guys are forced to adopt a scattergun approach and then see who responds. That’s the truth.

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1528393 - 23 Jun, 2022 - 09:46AM

I think it's about being open and realistic. If the man tells you explicitly that he only wants to have an affair with one woman, then it is reasonable to expect he will stop using IE, however, if he doesn't tell you that, and you've just presumed it to be the case, then talk to him about it instead of getting rid of him immediately, there may just be crossed wires about what you are both expecting from the relationship.

There isn't just one type of affair, some people are looking for that traditional affair, others looking to play the field a bit more, neither is more valid that the other, just different.

I have to ask though, how do you know that a man is still using IE while content in an affair with you unless you have spotted them online whilst you yourself are using IE while content in an affair with them?! They may be having the exact same thoughts about you.

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1529441 - 22 Jun, 2022 - 02:23PM


Whilst a lot say they don't want to change their home life, there's usually a reason for it. Financial, children, obligation, religion. My experience of meeting and talking to me from here tells a different story. A lot just tolerate their wives for one or more of these reasons, in fact some actually despise their wife. So, I don't believe that all are just looking for a bit on the side, many are looking for one woman to make their life bearable.

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Before Sunrise - 21 Jun, 2022 - 11:44PM

Speaking for myself - the process of finding the right IE takes time, effort, and on the average day is as exciting as a series of appointments with one's dentist. If one is lucky enough to see his time and effort eventually rewarded, and finds the right partner, what type of person thinks "You know what - I miss my dentist. Let me go and book a few more sessions"?

EmnEm123 - 21 Jun, 2022 - 10:23PM

Secret Vixen

Never narrow minded, just realistic.

Read the profiles, no-one wants to change their home lives, therefore not looking for the woman of their dreams, just a little escapism and yes FUN!

If you want to live in a Mills and Boon romantic dream world that's up to you but if I were a man I would be concerned about your real intentions.

Fantasist much?

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Delicious Chaos - 21 Jun, 2022 - 08:28PM


Narrow minded much?!,

Fun? Do you know what that is?

EmnEm123 - 21 Jun, 2022 - 08:09PM

This topic has been discussed over and over on here.
I'm always surprised by cheats who don't want to be cheated on. You are not being cheated on, the man's wife/partner is.
You will never be the woman of their dreams, you're just a bit on the side! If everyone would realise that this place would be more fun.

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Paula99 - 21 Jun, 2022 - 07:16PM


Both women and guys are guilty of this one..

The issue is that you start talking to someone and it fizzles out ...so you chat to someone else...then as if by magic the original guy appears and contacts you again and so the pattern continues....this is called stacking up

This all boils down the 'honour amongst thieves'.. AGAIN

To say that just because they are cheating on their prospective partners means they will do the same is not entirely correct.....yes there will always be the total idiots that are sex addicts that are knocking off every woman/man that walks....but there are genuine ones that just want one lady to spoil and vice versa for the ladies that want one special guy.

Maybe we will see the good ones😊😊💪

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Delicious Chaos - 21 Jun, 2022 - 06:40PM

Maybe all the good ones will show themselves here 😁🤭

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