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Double Dippers

You meet someone here, start dating them, build the connection, but then see them still active on here... Yet they reassure you that they are absolutely into you, that everything is perfect, that you are the woman of their dreams. If you aren't sure they will be the one, create a backup of a backup, pause and think... How fair is that?I have ghosts upon ghosts returning, wondering why I abruptly ended dating. I value myself and know what I have to offer, and that is an exclusive and absolutely fantastic affair. I refuse to settle for double dippers.

Any one else agree?

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Comments (240)

1494077 - 21 Jun, 2022 - 06:39PM


Just waiting for the moon to turn blue 😂

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Delicious Chaos - 21 Jun, 2022 - 06:35PM

How much patience does one need?! 😁

1494077 - 21 Jun, 2022 - 06:32PM

Agree with @Secret Vixen.

It really depends on what people are after for an IE. And there certainly are men who are only looking for one woman.

A woman wanting this sort of rare gem just has to be patient, but they do turn up on occasion 😁

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Delicious Chaos - 21 Jun, 2022 - 06:27PM

Relaxed Vibe

Wow a very generalised comment there.
You don’t know peoples reasons for being here.

Yes there are some complete shits but I do believe some men would not do the dirty on their IE, just because they are with their wives

They are a rarity but they are around

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1494077 - 21 Jun, 2022 - 05:48PM

Relaxed Vibes,

Not necessarily. The proper ones will delete their accounts, or put something in their profile and let it run to expiry once they meet their match. That is how it has been in my experience anyway, and I reciprocate in kind.

I have in the past met men that I thought might be a match, but when I offer to go exclusive, am met with mixed messages. The difference between the ones serious about you and those who are double dipping really is as clear as night and day.

I think this is true for both genders.

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Relaxed Vibes - 21 Jun, 2022 - 05:32PM

I absolutely hear you and agree BUT if they’re already doing the dirty to their wife, they’ll absolutely do the dirty to you!

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Delicious Chaos - 21 Jun, 2022 - 04:13PM

Interesting post here.
Depends on how long you’ve been dating, if it’s been a while and you are having sex and they are reassuring you they are absolutely into you then sorry alarm bells would be going off with me. Fact
they are not that into you and are chasing the next IE. If they tell you they are here for the forums, again alarm bells would be going off with me. Most men would not waste their time on forums only, they are wasting their time chasing the dream.

Move on girl, don’t settle for double dippers. There are gems on here, it just takes a bloody long time to find them

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1529441 - 21 Jun, 2022 - 01:47PM

But, there are the ones who talk the talk but don't do the walk. Actions speak volumes.

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1529441 - 21 Jun, 2022 - 01:45PM

There's another thread on here about meeting someone and there being a spark. The spark has to be both ways and quite intense in my opinion for an affair of value to work in the long term. I've met quite a few people I liked and got along well with, but there was no intense spark. For me, that's not enough. Maybe he isn't feeling it with you intensely enough and that's why he's still searching.

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RosePetal0007 - 21 Jun, 2022 - 01:28PM

One should keep their self respect âœŠđŸ»

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