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Double Dippers

You meet someone here, start dating them, build the connection, but then see them still active on here... Yet they reassure you that they are absolutely into you, that everything is perfect, that you are the woman of their dreams. If you aren't sure they will be the one, create a backup of a backup, pause and think... How fair is that?I have ghosts upon ghosts returning, wondering why I abruptly ended dating. I value myself and know what I have to offer, and that is an exclusive and absolutely fantastic affair. I refuse to settle for double dippers.

Any one else agree?

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Comments (240)

giggly hamster - 08 Jan, 2024 - 06:04PM


If that's the case then you've just restored my faith in humanity!!

That deserves a virtual soppy hug!

FluffyClouds - 08 Jan, 2024 - 05:26PM

Giggly Hamster -

I think you're confusing IE with Tinder 🤗

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giggly hamster - 08 Jan, 2024 - 04:18PM


I always imagine that any site that involves women and men in these circumstances creates a bonkers dynamic where due to the male / female ratio you as a woman log on, and get supplied with a virtual paddle to wade through a sea of winks, pokes, prods, chancers, opportunists, Alpha why wouldn't you choose me I'm gorgeous types and everything in between.

I imagine you walk tinto the virtual world and every bloke is like the meerkats on a david atteborough documentary all extended necks, anticipation and trying to shag your foot like a randy jack russell as you walk by. :)

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1529050 - 08 Jan, 2024 - 04:05PM

With past affairs I came off here - deleted account - therefore I would have no idea if my IE was on here or not. Up until last time as with many others I enjoy the banter on the forums so stayed on, but I have a automessage set up and I just don't check any messages.

FluffyClouds - 08 Jan, 2024 - 03:29PM

Giggly Hamster -

Fifty blokes? Hahaha

Think I'm living in some kind of IE parallel universe

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FluffyClouds - 08 Jan, 2024 - 03:24PM

Secret_fun2020 -

You can set up an auto response if you're no longer looking. Polite without having to engage directly.

giggly hamster - 08 Jan, 2024 - 03:23PM

As has been said, they could just be reading and viewing.. he's a bloke, and there are blokes who once one woman has said yes, they think they're on a roll and feel empowered. We all like to window shop and be desired,, but touching... thats a different bag.

As a woman you have the pick of anyone that you choose, that's the beauty of being you - and for any guy in these scenarios he knows that should he fall and be moved on, there are at least fifty blokes just waiting to fill the gap and bay for your attention.

I used to know a woman that would go through men like they were sweets, but she was in control, and she'd be nobody's fool. by that same token, I also knew a couple that had been in an excusive afair for nearly a decade.
sweets girl was never going to be tied down by anyone irrespective of what she may have said.

Whatever this world we inhabit is, one thing it's not is fluffy bunny simple, which is why the biggest paradox of it all is that honesty about what we're after and expect is key.

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Paula99 - 08 Jan, 2024 - 03:03PM

It does seem to appear that not everyone is ‘bad’ minded 👍

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Secret_fun2020 - 08 Jan, 2024 - 01:11PM

Surely it all depends on trust. If I had started a relationship on here and someone messaged me, I would login and reply - it just seems tue polite thing to do. I would hope my lover would trust me if they asked me about it. In my experience, an affair can be the most trusting relationship you have

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boav91 - 08 Jan, 2024 - 12:26PM

So I only come onto the site for these forums because I like reading them. My IE does too. We have actually read them together a couple of times. Some good tips on here and some nice people. Realised it may not always be about seeking different people but then it may for some. I am in a position to not be able to reply to anyone's messages now even if I come to read these chats

You get all sorts on here so about being true to yourself and what you want. IF you dont think your IE is being honest or doing what you are both happy with then it wont last.

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