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First date?

What's a good first date idea? It's yonks since I've last been to a restaurant. Work and Life is just SO busy.

Is a restaurant even what you really want to do on a first date anyway?

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Comments (233)

Down4fun89 - 29 Aug, 2022 - 10:32PM

I would try find something fun to do, like axe throwing or like flight club. You can have a few drinks and a bit of a laugh and game?

1540633 - 29 Aug, 2022 - 10:11AM

Definitely a nice long walk - then can get intimate if the situations right - but no pressure to.

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Balilondon - 28 Aug, 2022 - 11:50PM

A blind date for a walk next to river

Stec65 - 28 Aug, 2022 - 11:46PM

A quiet walk in the country ?

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Chas652 - 28 Aug, 2022 - 09:01PM

Defininetly a walk:
Open space
Cornfields? lol
I just think that when you're not confined by walls, your chat isn't confined either. A sense of freedom?

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Jamie D79 - 28 Aug, 2022 - 08:03PM

I would suggest drinks first, so you could have good conversation

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Woodsterpete - 28 Aug, 2022 - 07:00PM

Signing up to a language class could be good. Good way to break the ice. Then great excuses to be able to keep meeting up weekly if it goes well ("everyone's going for a drink after, so I won't be back until a little later" ahem.)
And you never know, you may be serenading each other in a whole new language by the end of it all.

(I'd finish this with a one liner in a different language, but I haven't taken the class yet).

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1529050 - 28 Aug, 2022 - 06:54PM

Well it made me smile I hope the chaps appreciate your approach

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1539474 - 28 Aug, 2022 - 06:25PM


Hope I havenโ€™t offended anyone, Iโ€™m trying to be jovially helpful to chaps if I can.

The clues for them are echoed in so many female profile intros such as he needs to be fit / well built, so guys need to ask whether they have put in the hard work to meet that desire because a romp with a spare rib or cream puff is unlikely to appeal no matter how nice n funny he may be

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1529050 - 28 Aug, 2022 - 05:55PM

Conradd - 28 Aug, 2022 - 05:37PM

That made me snort ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

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