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Autumn meets

Is anyone else enjoying the freedom of kids back to school and the chance to start arranging meets again? The frustration built up over the summer is about to explode :)

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Comments (148)

ExoticOrchid - 01 Sep, 2022 - 10:36PM

FC - 10:24PM

Hear, Hear! 👏

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FluffyClouds - 01 Sep, 2022 - 10:24PM

Conradd -

You know, you really are full of it aren't you? Yes, you've got the physique. You've apparently got the stunning wife. Why don't you ask your wife to do the things you hope to find from an ie? Clearly, she won't. Or you dare not ask. Not surprising really considering. And I'm not surprised. So stop having a go at other men on here with your arrogance. You've become quite cocksure since you first graced this forum. Don't spoil it.

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Bobb20 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 09:13PM

Are we not way off the topic of Autumn meets now school is back :-)
Love how these threads grow legs and by the end everyone has forgotten what we started out talking about, so have to look at the title again as a reminder.
Anyway, to continue the throw off of topic, i think I’ll give YouTube dating coaches a miss, and just be myself (i ‘may’ fail with that approach, but I’d ‘certainly’ fail trying to be something I’m not).
Interesting that on a site like this the only real way to ‘initially’ get noticed is a pic or a username (age and location just being factual). Someone mentions attributes women dating coaches state as a ‘high value man’, but how can you tell those from a user name alone? (Surely it takes contact and a few messages to suss those things out, even if you are correct?) Or are people shallow enough to be attracted by a user name of ‘I have loads of Cash’ or similar? This would be an interesting experiment wouldn’t it! I wonder if one has been done on YouTube b

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1504076 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 06:32PM

Conradd - I think you may be reading a little too much into these YouTube coaches.

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1539474 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 05:57PM

Naughty Jason

Dating coaches on YouTube (yes plenty of them are legit) define a high value person on the dating scene to be those who attract the most positive attention.

So females coaches bracket h v men as being solvent, successful, confident, decent, tall, handsome and fit

These are not my terms and I find it fairly shallow and lacking.

For a man wanting to maximise his chances there are things he can do in this regard such as training with weights ( not skinny man sports).

Biggest mistake a guy can make is placing all his stall on being compassionate and pleading. I’ve heard progressive liberal women moaning too many men in their circle lack raw sex appeal.

Most middle aged couples we know have little or no sex but it’s usually the women declining

They want a hot confident guy to grab thier hair, not a wimpy lamb chop telling them what a strong independent woman they are

Naughty Jason - 01 Sep, 2022 - 04:43PM

Conradd what's your definition of a high value man and a high value woman?

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1541695 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 03:26PM

EmnEm, are you only basing your info on numbers of men and women here on what IE tells you?? 🤣🤣

If so, I have a bridge you may be interested in purchasing.

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1539474 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 02:50PM

My wife is hot and fun but that doesn’t mean one isn’t partial to a bit of pic n mix

My worry is I could end up falling for a new minx😱

Paula99 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 11:32AM

Don't believe everything you read?

According to some guys you think they had fantastic lifestyles and hot wives...

...why are they here if it's so good ?

Curvybrunette...I have said this before alot of guys are single......wonder why...🤣🤣🤣

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1541744 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 09:13AM


Reading some.of the profiles and comments on here I am less than surprised

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