Autumn meets
Is anyone else enjoying the freedom of kids back to school and the chance to start arranging meets again? The frustration built up over the summer is about to explode :)
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Comments (148)
1541744 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 09:09AM
While I am looking forward to the routine of being back also going to miss the.little beggars being around and doing things with them.
1539474 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 07:50AM
High value men prefer a nice, easy going, feminine submissive 7.5 out of 10 to any one of the conceited, haughty, ‘exquisite’ princesses with their exacting demands.
I can’t imagine why any man would be bothered with such tedious, egotistical snobbery, jog on love, you’re extremely obnoxious.
some of us men already have stunning low maintenance wives who we have brilliant sex with , so the last thing we need is some high maintenance Diva who in all probability has plenty of floors such as kangaroo feet and is nothing like the bed prize she thinks she is.
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Curvy brunette45 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 07:45AM
I’m finding that more & more guys on here are single
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1541744 - 01 Sep, 2022 - 02:27AM
Getting back into a routine with the kids out at school will be nice but at the same time I will miss the little beggars being around as much to get under my feet and make me do things with them.
As for other comments about the women on here being incredibly fussy well I think that it is only fair.
Based on the female profiles that I have read on here it seems that the overwhelming reason for a woman to be here is because the spark has gone out of the relationship at home.
In my mind this doesn't mean that they just want a bloke to bend them over the kitchen table and give them a good seeing to but that they also want those compliments and conversations that make them feel special. That they may want a bit of romance and a bit of courting and maybe someone to ask how their day was or how they are feeling and maybe make them feel like they are the most incredible creature on the planet even if only for a short while.
I suspect that only then would the kitchen table become an option.
But I may be wrong.
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Naughty Jason - 31 Aug, 2022 - 11:56PM
@fFluffyClouds, Marilyn Monroe would have been the perfect role model for this site, after all she was married whilst having an affair with the president who was also married.
I think we should all tap ourselves on our back and revel in the fact that we'er in good company.
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1541861 - 31 Aug, 2022 - 11:10PM
Yes...I have more time to arrange meeting now . message me ladies 😘😘
FluffyClouds - 31 Aug, 2022 - 09:46PM
Smilewithyoureyes -
It's not odd at all in fact. It's called normal curiosity.
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1542317 - 31 Aug, 2022 - 09:44PM
Reading some of the ladies profiles on this site is the gift that keeps giving 😂😂😂😂😂
Disillusioned or what, but extremely entertaining none the less
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1501574 - 31 Aug, 2022 - 09:27PM
i’m not going to rise to the bait, it’s very odd indeed that you felt the need to look at my profile! say what you like i don’t care 🤷♀️
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