Biggest crush?
Which person of the opposite sex, throughout time, would you liked to
have had a date with and why?
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Comments (206)
1585430 - 28 Apr, 2023 - 09:05PM
Penelope Pitstop.... her perils have a lot to answer for.
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Harvey765 - 28 Apr, 2023 - 08:53PM
Nicholl Kidman,would be my dream date , you could a real discussion with her as she is really switched on and intelligent
1587581 - 28 Apr, 2023 - 04:34PM
Sandra Bullock, attractive obviously but it's her self depreciating humour and personality that do it for me.
1595473 - 28 Apr, 2023 - 03:54PM
The two women out of Human League when they were younger. I had many a dream.
1494077 - 28 Apr, 2023 - 02:47PM
Sandypops - 28 Apr, 2023 - 09:47AM
Does your friend still keep in contact with him? Can she introduce us? 😜😋😍😍
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1240952 - 28 Apr, 2023 - 02:01PM
Jenny Agutter around Werewolves of London time.
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IDigAPony - 28 Apr, 2023 - 12:47PM
I re-watched Prime suspect not long ago. Helen Mirren in the 90s 😯
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