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Distance & IEs

How do you feel about the distance between you and a potential IE? For example, I receive messages from men who live in other parts of the country but travel with work to my area. Personally, it makes me feel like they're looking for a hook up in every port they travel to. Is it better that they live in your county or the next? Can an affair be better and more fulfilling the nearer the person lives?

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Comments (168)

bobloblaw10 - 09 Sep, 2023 - 11:15PM

Distance can be tricky, but as someone else has says being too close introduces different problems. I think it depends on the connection. I've travelled over 2 hours and it was 100% worth it for that person - but we already knew the connection was there, and we'd take it in turns.

Bobby224 - 09 Sep, 2023 - 08:39PM


I agree ideally the chance of an impromptu meeting is very exciting! I also like that regular chat, for me as I’m available every evening I like to chat every night and during the day of each day. I think it’s important. When you are in an affair I think in the same conversation you can talk a bit mundane and sexy in the conversation. I like to connect with my secret lover so chatting about everything with no boundaries so to speak is a must. Speaking for a week before a meet and then just a few random messages I between is not for me. But through experience idpf you are with rather right person and you click both near and far can work. Obviously if their is distance involved you have to have more patience and find other ways to be close between meets.

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Naughty in NW - 09 Sep, 2023 - 06:56PM

Many moons ago I had a long distance relationship. He drove for over four hours to see me and back to his home. Occasional overnighters when we could, but more often a bloody long day commute for him. It lasted about a year, then I called it a day due to the distance. I felt a bit guilty that he did all the travelling as he had more time availabile, but he insisted. It sort of troubled me. But f**k me, the meet ups were hotter than Satan's boxer shorts.

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Paula99 - 09 Sep, 2023 - 06:30PM

A few years ago I spent 2 half years travelling to see my IE.. ..at the time I had NEVER intended to do ‘distance ‘ meets but the guy I met .. whom I am still friends with now ..was a rare exception… I was in a different profession then and I had a lot more time to spend but J is a great guy ..he travelled because of his job…..he always made an effort to be within a decent driving distance and we had good laughs and great sex ..we texted on a daily basis and everything was always arranged in advance


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Sandypops - 09 Sep, 2023 - 04:29PM

Too close can create complications of being seen. Too far can make meeting more difficult.
Personally, it would depend on each circumstances. I like to meet regularly, and I like nothing more than an impromptu 'what are you doing today, let's meet' but I wouldn't discount less regular meeting if the connection was strong enough and the chat was regular in between.
It's what works for each affair.

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Sandypops - 09 Sep, 2023 - 04:24PM

"It certainly cuts down on your time together.
I have done the 1hour 30 min journey and I started to feel the trip was not worth it, and as it happened it wasn't!"

Harsh 😳 I wonder if they felt the same, hence leaving you to do the travelling 😂

Johnnylondon - 09 Sep, 2023 - 01:18PM

I had an affair with a girl in another country last year. It worked well for us. She was living where my head office was based and I had to travel there once every 4-6 weeks. I had offices in other areas fairly close too so sometimes we would take a little road trip. In between meets we would have good chats and work out the next meet. Only downside is that it had to stop when I moved jobs but we still keep in touch.
So I guess it depends on the circumstances. If it works for you then it works as long as it doesn't just work for one person then it's all good IMO

Smiler91863 - 09 Sep, 2023 - 11:37AM

For me, it’s difficult to believe things are real until they’re right in front of me. So a connection needs to be confirmed over a coffee / beer first. I wouldn’t want to drive over 30 minutes ideally for that first meeting. Is that too limiting?

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boav91 - 09 Sep, 2023 - 10:48AM

I had wondered about trying to contact people further away, especially if I travel there sometime for work, but tend to stick to inmidiate neighbouring counties. I don’t need to see the person ever week or every months although that would be nice. In fact some separation, as others say, keeps the anticipation as long as there is contact in between. Too far just makes it complex . Having said that I did try with someone who lived in the US so I guess that was some distance 🙄

Funnily enough did not quite work out for regular meets

chris19389 - 03 Apr, 2023 - 10:02PM

@lorelai I just want to give you a big hug, being distant from your lover is a tough thing to bear x

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