When should you end it?
So, you have been seeing your perfect affair partner for a few months and then you notice that what was once a steamy affair with both parties being really into it, is now just like your relationship with your OH with you trying your best to keep them interested and constantly wondering if you are actually ‘one of many’ after-all.
Yes, they show up for their ‘once per week’ as promised, but whereas before they would stay a while, they are out the door straight away due to ‘work commitments’!
Is now the time to part ways? This is exactly what is missing, necessitating the need for an affair in the first place!
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Comments (246)
Jonnydieppe - 05 Jul, 2024 - 08:35PM
I’m still waiting for a reply that’s not a bot or a wife looking for their husband. Shocking place to find people to chat to.
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rarity23 - 05 Jul, 2024 - 12:06PM
If it's not working anymore for either of you then far better to have that conversation and end it rather than make excuses.
Everyone looks for different things out of an affair though, and it can be hard to find that person on the same page .
We do enough lying to our spouses, no need to lie to your IE as well !
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1667997 - 04 Jul, 2024 - 11:48AM
Time to end it.
I've had two kind of endings here - firstly she wanted me to leave my wife.... secondly as you say, it just became a ho hum experience. Either way that's not why we're here - Politely move on!
GioLuca - 02 Jul, 2024 - 10:21PM
Seems pretty obvious. End it immediately. You're not having an affair to replicate your relationship. Plenty more fish in this pond.
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Paula99 - 02 Jul, 2024 - 08:01PM
When you are in a long term affair at least over a year ….you are both different people to when you first began the relationship…you have got over the ‘honeymoon’ period….you have nurtured and grown your affair ….you have a meaningful passionate connection and trust your lover completely..
If you can say after that period of time that you don’t develop deeper feelings for each other…it’s a load of bollox …your lover becomes your friend and confidant and support network ….
Clinical sex just makes you feel like shite and that’s why we are all here because we want intimacy/passion/lust and everything that goes with it …
Davek268…I hear you and sadly your lover turned out to be a bunny boiler but to say you had no feelings before it all crashed ……hmmmmm 🧐
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AsianGent1986 - 02 Jul, 2024 - 02:52PM
At the OP. It very much depends on what you were seeking from the affair and whether you were both clear on expectations. Sounds to me like you wanted a relationship to provide you what you believe was lacking from your OH, he wanted passion and sex without the trappings of a relationship. Neither set of wants is wrong but they certainly don’t accord with one another.
Time for a conversation me thinks to rebase expectations and at the end of it, decide whether to end it. Its an affair, therefore you should be getting what you want.
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1408586 - 02 Jul, 2024 - 09:47AM
Did you not have feelings beyond a physical connection after an 18 month passionate affair DaveK268?
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Knightoflove69 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 11:00PM
I'm very new here, but most of us are looking for that connection again. Physical excitement and emotional charge. If the flinge has become a chore then why have two weights dragging you down.
1675753 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 07:58PM
We’re all Here for the same reasons (ish)…… when the spark goes and the chemistry dies it’s time to move on ………. Hopefully to find it again ….. I’ve been lucky on here twice ……. 15 months is a good stint for an affair I think …
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EmnEm123 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 07:00PM
If you message and the recipient looks at your profile but doesn't respond, she's not interested.
You can take that as a sign to "move on".
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