* Strike a pose *
Physical attraction is important in securing a meet. How soon would you exchange passwords, and what do you find attractive in a person’s facial features?
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Comments (80)
1604598 - 12 Jul, 2023 - 05:37PM
It depends, I think if you chat a bit and it’s easy flowing and there’s an instant spark then I’ll give my pw quite early, I wouldn’t want to disappoint anyone… and whilst I love a chat, lots of people on here aren’t really interested in much conversation so it’s good to know where you stand early on. I find an interesting person attractive first and it can completely change the way I view their pictures… always a chance you could be writing off a perfect IE if your monkey brain decides their boobs aren’t big enough, their eyes brown enough or their bum smackable enough without knowing them a little bit first. As for which facial feature, can it be anything but the eyes?! Portals to the soul.
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Newcastle 712 - 12 Jul, 2023 - 04:38PM
Seeing a face is a must for me. You need that chemistry, lust and desire to see if it can go any further
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1546721 - 12 Jul, 2023 - 02:15PM
Normally within a few minutes of talking I ask for passwords as I like to see who I am talking too
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Aces87 - 12 Jul, 2023 - 01:58PM
I’ve got chatting to a few people and really liked their chat but when I saw photos was really disappointed as I just did not fancy them one bit!
Physical attraction is so important in this situation for me, at the end of the day I’m here looking for that excitement and passion not a best friend.
I ask for pics early on to avoid getting their hopes and mine up for no reason.
That said I’ve met someone on here who was a million times better in person than on pics and the attraction was definitely there when we met but I was unsure about meeting them in the first place so I do try and be objective but sometimes you just know it’s a no.
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1609628 - 12 Jul, 2023 - 01:39PM
How soon would you exchange passwords?
After a few days of talking. I assume that the profile data were filled in accurately so I'm guessing that we're at least ok with each other's height, body type, race ... etc.
What do you find attractive in a person’s facial features?
Good bone structure and decent teeth. Adore a cleft chin and dimples.
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Delicious Chaos - 12 Jul, 2023 - 11:36AM
I don’t agree with guys who send their password in a first message. To me it shows they either think they’re gods gift, can’t think of anything to write in an into message or are actually quite reckless. What’s even worse is those guys whose first message is what’s your password.
Yes pics are important but I will only exchange once I’m happy to, that means deciding whether they pass the dickhead test and whether they are actually someone I would like to meet.
But….more often than not the picture is a letdown, sorry to say it and yes I am slightly fussy but there does need to be an attraction there. I’m not looking for a friend to do lunch with I’m looking for someone to have sex with!
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1610191 - 12 Jul, 2023 - 10:38AM
If there’s no physical attraction then what’s the point with being on this website? We’re here to add excitement to our lives not find out who our favourite actor is. That can be done after we find out if we’d like to turn each other on.
FluffyClouds - 10 Jul, 2023 - 03:55PM
It's the whole face for me, including the hair.
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Funtobe22 - 09 Jul, 2023 - 11:10PM
Exchange passwords after getting to know someone after a few messages asking them if they comfortable with- cheeky smile nice teeth essentials
Ellie1974 - 09 Jul, 2023 - 01:49PM
I have read through a lot of these comments and also some peoples profiles. Things confuse me a bit i thought this was illicit encounters for people in relationships so to be fair i couldnt care about bonding over some common interest i bloody care if i fancy you and i think we could turn each other on. I have a bloody smart as hell good looking hubby whos going no where so no amount of chat etc works. Can someone just thou confirm that this platform is for people in relationships?
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