* Strike a pose *
Physical attraction is important in securing a meet. How soon would you exchange passwords, and what do you find attractive in a person’s facial features?
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Comments (80)
1586452 - 09 Jul, 2023 - 12:53PM
My pic is usually up on my profile....although my profile also suggests I might scare dogs!
1608742 - 08 Jul, 2023 - 12:09PM
The way things are going I won’t be sharing my pictures with anyone, I always imagined that I looked like George Clooney but apparently I’m more like Shrek 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Love this site 😍😍
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1528741 - 07 Jul, 2023 - 09:35PM
I think it’s the worst trait ever assuming someone on how they look via a picture … anyone asks me I ignore
Doubleohseven - 06 Jul, 2023 - 07:01AM
If I were mining for coal, an immediate exchange of pictures would be essential -because there's a lot of coal in the IE ground, and it all is essentially the same. Do I like this lump of coal or that lump? I need a picture right away, please.
But the second you start mining for gold, ie personality, wit, charisma....then a profile is more than enough to identify coal vs potential gold.
"My profile is written by a wizard".
"Life is short".
"I don't want to rock anyone's boat".
"I am fussy, provide your pw with 1st message".
Coking coal (it considers itself superior to thermal coal)
Mining for gold is hard work, but in a way easier. You can immediately tell the speck of shiny stuff from the tons of coal lying around. You are left with a small number of conversations and the task of detecting fool's gold from the real thing.
Happy mining.
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Somniata - 05 Jul, 2023 - 07:27PM
I never ask for a password. In fact I am not especially bothered about photographs. I prefer to chat a bit then meet face to face. However I will only meet with someone whose communication skills sufficiently intrigue me. If someone can grab my attention enough by their written word, chances are we will get along just fine.
Of course physical attraction is important but seeing someone face to face, hearing their voice and feeling their presence is so much better than a photograph.
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tonicwithice - 04 Jul, 2023 - 10:54PM
I just go with the flow, generally when I'm asked unless there's something about the other person's profile text or messages that rings alarm bells.
In terms of the actual photos, if we're getting along then all I'm really looking for is does he photo match the profile (are they being honest about age etc.) and is there anything that really puts me off. Perhaps also if they are too hot to be interested in me (!)
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Andyh63 - 04 Jul, 2023 - 10:06PM
I don’t go by the photo, I like to read the profile and then message to see if we have a connection. I like all body types and facial looks, I like to see the personality.
Legs&Eyes - 04 Jul, 2023 - 08:30PM
Middleagedman46 - 04 Jul, 2023 - 07:52PM
So that suggests you want to see theirs first and then make an assessment before you even offer your password?...
Hopefully you'll get a suitable line-up to choose from!
Bobby224 - 04 Jul, 2023 - 06:54PM
I have to agree with Adorableone. Pictures are not or should not be the be all and end all. I’ve met lots of women who people may not say are photogenic putting it mildly but they genuinely are fabulous people and are so attractive with their sense of humour and bubbly personality. It is human nature to be attracted to beauty (in my experience the most beautiful women know it and are dull, when I say beautiful women I mean what society perceives as beautiful) but seriously it’s the bubbly personality, wit, moral compass and ethics which are important. Especially in our line of work! I mean fo me I’m looking for one genuine partner in crime for the long haul. I must admit I’m getting a bit despondent on here!
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