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Physical attraction is important in securing a meet. How soon would you exchange passwords, and what do you find attractive in a person’s facial features?

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Comments (80)

Secret_fun2020 - 04 Jul, 2023 - 05:47PM

I usually give my password quite quickly, but I really cannot judge by a photo. Sexual attraction is difficult to predict

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Paula99 - 04 Jul, 2023 - 05:34PM

TBH ..Dotty..

Great posts and right on the nose šŸ˜

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1494077 - 04 Jul, 2023 - 05:28PM

AdorableOne - 04 Jul, 2023 - 01:54PM
Iā€™ll have to agree with Dotty.
For me, it has never been a situation of being afraid to commit to an affair. More that the more I go along this journey, I know more than ever what I am looking for, and maybe more importantly what I am not looking for.

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1529050 - 04 Jul, 2023 - 02:51PM

AdorableOne - 04 Jul, 2023 - 01:54PM

With reference to you final thought, I have never said no due to not wanting an affair, I know the types I am attracted to, however like you I have taken a chance. My previous IE had a nice photo but I wasn't really blown away, but we decided to meet, I had had an awful couple of dates, and me and him had got on so well over messages, he was so charming, so I thought, well what have I got to lose. spend in hour with a nice glass of wine in good company. Well we met and sparks flew..... instant attraction and a lovely year long affair ensued. So sometimes it is best to take a chance or two.

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AdorableOne - 04 Jul, 2023 - 01:54PM

Tricky one Kingshingaling , my first affair her pictures were ok but I wasn't really sure. When we met she was stunning, lit up the room with her ditzy energy and personality, we had many years of amazing fun together.

Her pictures didn't capture that energy at all, they are only 2d representations. I think people that hold on to a must be love/lust at first sight mantra just sit on here for years and end up overall disappointed.

Final thought, do some people just look at pics and decide no straightaway because actually they are scared to commit to an affair, so its an easy excuse to never meet someone than take a leap of faith and see what happens?

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Kingshingaling - 04 Jul, 2023 - 01:18PM

Physical attraction is a must right? It may sound shallow but thereā€™s got to be that straight away for me.

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1382700 - 04 Jul, 2023 - 12:36PM

My PW was on my profile for a long time but few women saw it. Profile was obviously too long for them. So they asked, without exception and almost immediately, for it. Some were polite enough to say yes/no but most just ghosted. An awful lot of women (and Iā€™m guessing men too) still donā€™t get it that civility is free.

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Enigma.. - 04 Jul, 2023 - 10:50AM


Donā€™t let one bad experience ruin Ie for you.
Sounds like he doesnā€™t know what he wants and is just messing you about.
Iā€™d send him a message asking what is it that he really wants and hopes to gain from being on the site?

Meanwhile take some time out, from the site, if you feel that itā€™s the right thing to do.
But donā€™t let that experience stop you from messaging or replying to other males.

You never knowā€¦.. One of them could be the one šŸ˜‰.

Good luck šŸ€šŸ¤žšŸ» and take care ā¤ļø

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1447655 - 04 Jul, 2023 - 09:34AM

There's nothing worse than getting into big chats and the picture comes back and you just know in your gut it's a 'no' - they are clearly older, or have a beard, or whatever, and it's the same for guys, she's too fat for his tastes or whatever. Password swap early is important, because without the physical attraction those big chats are destined to be friendship only, and we are here for the fireworks. Sometimes you click with someone who is not within your parameters of 'attractive'. Then it's worth meeting to see, but invariably it's not going to be attraction between you.

'Type' makes me laugh though - type is just "you are not conventionally attractive enough for me". But I get it. We all have spouces that we love for who they are and their looks. Why would you go for someone who wasn't at least hotter than your own spouce?!

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Enigma.. - 04 Jul, 2023 - 09:29AM


I totally agree with you about one thingā€¦.

For me itā€™s always personality over looks.

The ability to make me laugh and having intelligent conversations are a big plus too.

I could not be with someone who mumbles, replies in one word or his answers are peppered with swear words.

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